The court system in CA is so overbooked you almost always seem to get a lawyer instead of a judge. I guess in one sense it's good but in another it's bad.
I would proabably just take the deletion and be done with it. Call the filing fee and service fee the cost of having this removed. Most people would be happy with the removal. Some cases I have seen here have the plaintiff recieving damages but the Judge dropping the ball on granting injuctive relief and having the offending entry(s) removed. I'm sure it burned their a*s just to lose. Most Collections Managers of these CAs have some real power issues and hate to lose. The guys at the CA probably had some serious acid reflux through the whole mess I am sure.
The CA manager was shaking quite uncontrollably before the trial. I just sat their a bit nervous myself and waited patiently. I'm just happy the ruling says that the letter is valid. That was their only REAL defense...
darkdoj, Congrats at for getting the removal, but I think bear minimum the court should have awarded you the filing fees. I just asked that ? in a thread about positives/negatives in suing. Charlie
Actually I agree with what was said earlier. For $20 and some loss of sleep I got an account that was a big pain in my side deleted from all my CR's. My Equifax is clean, My TU has 1 account to go, my Experian has 3 (1 in dispute now and 1 I have to settle with and they will delete and 1 that Experian refuses to Investigate). I think the court should have awarded damages. It was quite funny to see him shaking in his seat. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but the guy was Irish and in a dark green suit and shaking. Looked like a leprichan comming off a crack addiction. (no offense to any other Irish people out there). I heard the baliff laughing at him when he left. For $20 I guess I got a major deletion, some laughs and a chance to plead my case.