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lbrown59: questions for you!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Why can't you just answer the original questions Doc posted? How can you expect anyone to believe you or what you say if you won't answer a simple question? What is it you have to hide?
  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    I like IBrown because he's ALWAYS right.

    He only has one comment: "It's a conspiracy".

    He's right!

  3. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    To start with
    I'm going to answer the questions posted in this thread with a question of my own.Only sensible answers please as snide remarks are not acceptable.

    If I'm not right in what I'm saying about Credit Reporting and Scoring and the credit and Ins. industries then why are there thousands of complaints posted right here on this board not to mention ten of thousands of complaints that we are unaware of because they never make it to a board such as this one?

    Before you fire back some wise guy answer let me give you a little background experience least you make a fool of yourself.
    I have owned my own housing company since 1973.
    I have been licensed though 2 different Insurance companies.
    I have held a securities license and currently hold a manufactured home dealers license.
    I have had training in asset management. BTY I can tell you for a fact that letting credit card companies & insurers get by with what they are doing is not good asset management !
    As a part of asset management training I learned what really goes on in the credit and insurance business.
    As a 30 year business owner I know how businesses operate.
    I know the honest way to run one and I also know the dishonest way.
    How do you know the difference, just observe the results.
    When greed is present and the opportunity is there temptation becomes much harder to resist. It makes no difference what the product is Homes financing insurance etc.

    I leave you with one other question that deserves serious consideration.
    Why do 8 out of ten people retire in poverty?
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Butch if you're a financial planner as you claim you ought to know getting caught up in the credit fleece is not good assett management.

  6. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    I agreed with Llbrown59 in his green card conspriacy until it was pointed out how ridiculous it is.

    However, Llbrown, if you have the "inside info." why do you not share your information with us? Rather than just writing it's a conspiracy - give some info. as to why. What factual information have you gained from your training and your 30+ years in the insurance business, etc.?

    I know you don't have to answer my questions but I really would like to know, what information do you have? How could I help myself to not get caught up in the "fico fiasco"?

    One of the premises on this board is to help each other - so why not give "power to the people" such as I?
  7. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    enough already!

    I happen to be a big proponent of first amendment rights...remember "free speech"...the thought of censors makes me shiver...even all the power John Ashcroft is getting due to 9/11 is making me nervous...and I'm a republican.

    So I'm going to say what I would say to anyone trying to impede or censor someone's first amendment, "free speech" rights...if you don't like it..don't listen to it. put him on ignore or whatever.

    This an objective opinion as I am new here and have no past experiences with anyone on this board. Give this thread a rest and let's go back to helping people out.

  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Welcome to the board, clc!!

    Ummm are you trying to censor our comments?

    No one here has told anyone to stop posting - except the people who say they want this thread to stop, hehe.
  9. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    no breeze...not trying to censor anybody...am too new here to be involved in personality issues...just thing the "back and forth" is somewhat unproductive.

    didn't mean to offend anyone.

  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    I wasn't offended, just teasing, really, by pointing out the discrepancy in your logic hehe. Some of us have tolerated abuse from this guy for a long time.

    His abuse goes unnoticed because it consists of one-line zingers that are easy to dismiss unless you are the one being zinged every time you answer a question about FICO, scoring, CRA's and the system in general.

    No one is being rude or calling him names, we just want him out in the open, that's all. Sort of, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?"
  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Thanx IBrown,

    That's the most I've ever heard you say. It is obvious to me that you have a lot more valuable information to share with those on this board than I've noticed before. Those here have made giant leaps of progress in "not getting caught up in the fleece". I've seen them bitch like crazy with their cc company about the difference between 15% and 19%. That IS progress. I don't think you have to be a CFP to realize that compound interest can destroy you.

    The point to this whole thread, which I believe has turned out to be rather healthy, was to suggest to YOU that perhaps the board could benefit from more than those one line, a-semetrical answers you seem to give.

    You do have it within your grasp to be an animated and active participant of this massive discussion. So cmon Ibrown, I for one would like to hear more from you.

  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    For those LBrown skeptics out there maybe you could post some links to when he:

    1. Ignores someone's victory (be it a new card a higher CL) and rambles on about FICO.

    2. When he tells people to not use the Credit Industry (credit cards, insurance), because FICO is a scam.

    Of course any other links you feel would best describe LBrown to the newbies.

    As to you LBrown-

    I posted WHY scoring had to come into play. We are in a technologically advanced world. People are impatient and want instant gratification, when it comes to online Credit approval.

    Computers are much cheaper to use than to hire a clerk for $xx an hour. It's the computer age, not the stone age.
  13. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    an interjection...

    since this thread is so active thought I might interject something here..

    milkmom and her family are really in desperate need of some $$ help. She has been a member here since January and has been an active and enthusiatic poster. Right now she needs some help...if everybody who could spare some change could maybe spare $1...it would help.

    you could send her some $ through paypal if you have it: bcmenter@hotmail.com...or snail mail to Bee McCoy, P.O. Box 1845, Kenosha, WI 53141.

    A dollar here and a dollar there and pretty soon she will have some money to buy diapers and formula for her baby.

  14. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Actually I am more interested that he is in the industry that I am looking to purchase a manufactured home.
  15. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    At the risk of being flamed myself, how come PsychDoc always takes it upon himself to "investigate" the members of this board? Why should lbrown be forced to answer a damn thing?? I'm sorry he felt the need to do so. That makes me sad. Sometimes the bullying on this board is awful. But the info is good, that's why I keep coming back.

    So what if lbrown makes comments, I like the spice. I even went back and read bbauer and bkev's stuff, after reading the references, too bad they aren't back on here. PsychDoc, your contributions to the board are huge, but stop picking on people, stay out of their business. People can make their own judgments and conclusions without your help.
  16. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Actually *I* was the one who asked LB his situation in another thread.

    I was simply trying to engage LB in a conversation. All of his posts are the same, yet, when asked why he feels that way, it's almost like getting a "because" answer.

    For the most part people don't like things because they have had bad experiences with it.

    I was asking him these questions so that maybe his "FICO is a scam" posts would make a little more sense.
  17. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Maybe lbrown59 will start zinging you one of these days. I still maintain he is the abuser, not Doc.
    I don't flame people, but Doc has contributed tons to this board, lb has done nothing but insult people.

  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    In this case, I don't think anybody is picking on lbrown. He makes these cryptic comments to every post, yet never explains what he means by it. Is it so terrible that the members here want to know what he is thinking when he posts his 1 liners?

    By the way CredtQuest, my real answer to your post is:
    Fico is a scam.
  19. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Yep, Doc has done plenty to help people on this board. Agreed, as I mentioned. This board wouldn't be the same without him. Nor without lbrown. I like his cryptic comments.

    I humbly apologise for offending anyone, but stand by what I think, and am now ready to receive the firestorm of criticism.
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Well, you certainly won't get any criticism from me, and let me prevail upon everyone to not flame CredtQuest for speaking his mind. I hope CredtQuest will let me know if I've hurt him/her at some point. And if I have, I've truly forgotten, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in knowing how and what I did -- I can be a clod.


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