lbrown59: questions for you!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    You've done nothing to me, I just don't like it when someone is being ganged up on. IMHO, this happens alot on this board. What's interesting, is from what I gathered on reading on the past bkev and bbauer thing, you defended both of them.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    I agreed with Llbrown59 in his green card conspiracy until it was pointed out how ridiculous it is.
    How does the post office telling this to my MIL on at least 3 occasions make the postal services explanation my conspiracy theory.??
    How stupid does one have to be to think it's my idea??

    However, Llbrown, if you have the "inside info." Why do you not share your information with us? Rather than just writing it's a conspiracy - give some info. as to why. What factual information have you gained from your training and your 30+ years in the insurance business, etc.?
    How do I explain on a message board what it took me 30 years of actual experience to learn?
    I didn't learn it that way and neither will you or anybody else.?
    Have you ever gone to a doctor?Did you ask him to type up & explain every thing he learned in Med.School before taking his advice? If not then why do so with me?

    How could I help myself to not get caught up in the "fico fiasco"?
    If you wouldn't deal with creditors only on their own terms it won't affect you.
    Let me give an illustration of what's going on.
    Folks are going to all the car dealers but all any of them are offering is Chevetts
    Suppose folks going to the dealers start demanding Buicks and refuse to buy the Chevetts.
    Guess what the dealers will now be offering, Buicks of course.What dealer wants to be left stuck with a lot full of Chevetts?
    All I'm saying when I suggest not doing business with them is leave the chevett on the lot and demand the Buick.
    How hard is that to grasp!?!

    One of the premises on this board is to help each other - so why not give "power to the people" such as I?
    Folks already have the power -only problem is they refuse to use it.
    Of course I don't expect any of this to sink in as folks would prefer to bash the messenger rather than take
    advantage of the message.
    Take or leave what I say
    The choice is yours
    But so are the consequences.

  3. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Folks already have the power -only problem is they refuse to use it.


    I like that.
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    That's the heading at the top of this board - "Power to the People".
  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    you're a good guy doc. with a very dry wit, i think you're hilarious at times. Let's not get into chosing sides, I also think doc has been one of the biggest contributors to this board and I have personally used tons of his advice to better my scores. Nobody should be censored though.

  6. Melvina G

    Melvina G Active Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    At the risk of this newbie getting black listed . . . here goes anyway.

    Psych Doc - have you received the response/reaction that you had intended?
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    I think I agree with just about everybody here. Where did the idea of censorship come from, though? Nobody is calling for anybody's censure as far as I can tell. This thread has morphed into a monster.


    P.S. Melvina, I hereby blacklist you. :) (To answer your question, no, I didn't expect this thread to devolve into a discussion of censorship.)
  8. Melvina G

    Melvina G Active Member

    Re: enough already!

    And again I ask - wasn't that what your intentions were?
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Melvina, if you're asking me if I would like to see lbrown59 censored, the answer is no. Many have participated in this thread, but very little has anything to do with my posting (read the first post). It was my intention to coerce lbrown59 to find some common ground with a few of us he constantly harrangues as "FICO defenders" and "consumer punishers" (and worse). Anyway, I can live with lbrown59's barbs now -- taking breeze's cue, I won't see them anymore.

  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Did you read his answer? I think, knowing Doc for awhile now, that his intention was seriously to get lbrown to open up a little, as have the rest of us, and give just a liitle insight into what brought him here and what started his hatred to Fico. I doubt it was any more than that. In fact, he stated that up front at the beginning of this post. And he has no reason to hide his "real intentions".
  11. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    totally off topic but doc someday teach me how you did that CNN thing:)
  12. Melvina G

    Melvina G Active Member

    Re: enough already!

    My apologies if I misinterpreted your motivations/intentions/agenda.
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    My agenda seems to be promoting the freeware nutcase letter. My wife wants to know when I'm going to get paid.

  14. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    I really SHOULD stay out of this ---but.I understand PsychDoc's frustration with frequent postings from ANYONE that are unhelpful. There are lots of forums for people to post their viewpoints on just about any subject in the world.And certainly, if someone chooses to use this forum as a soap box for their own ideas, it IS an open forum for credit related postings. My theory is simple, If you are NOT part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem.If this forum is basically to HELP people,it is not unreasonable to question unhelpful postings.
  15. beckyboo

    beckyboo Active Member

    Re: enough already!

    lbrown, you do seem to have alot to offer the people on this board. I, for one, would be interested in what you have too say.

  16. Taco Tico

    Taco Tico Guest

    Re: enough already!

    Physdoc sound like somebody who complain and complain but never tries to help others. lbrown sound like he know what he's saying about it. Go away, Physdoc!!!!!!!!! lbrown has a rite to speak what he know, and you need to stop getting in his way!!!
  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    TacoTico sound like someone who named Bobby. TacoTico a newcomer who has no idea what he talk about. He know nothing about Physdoc. He also don't know how to spell.
  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

  20. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: enough already!

    Why is everyone twisting this into something else? No one has been censored. No one has been told not to post, no one has been asked to take sides. A very honest question was asked - like I said, "who are you and why are you doing this?"

    I can't understand all the criticism.

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