Re: enough already! LOL!! That was my reaction also. This person is on @Home (didn't they go under?) in Redwood City, CA. Maybe Bobby has moved to California? At any rate I can tell we are in for a treat.
Re: enough already! I have to add to LKH's comments. I have known Doc a long time. He is not a mean person, and his post was not malicious in it's intent, IMO. I am shocked at the reactions of many of you here, and although I know he is gentleman enough not to react, I am not a gentleman, and I am reacting. How could you??????
Re: enough already! Ticotaco talk like Tarzan. Ticotaco need to learn of pronouns. Ticotaco is funny.
Re: enough already! Geezzzzzzzzz, miss a day and look at this mega-thread. I've no idea how this thread got twisted and unrightly so. Lots of unjustified finger-pointing and assumptions going on. I too was curious of the answers to the FIRST question, the SAME question that hasn't been answered. This is my problem with you lbrown, your non-contributing snippets that turn into mega-threads while side-stepping anything worthwhile that could have been a part of a thread. I can ignore the space-hogging and sometimes spicy snippets, I'd really rather you contribute to a discussion instead of just stirring a post around that always leads to the same end. AND, ignoring isn't enough when it ends up like this, from a valid question (still not answered) to twisting this into something about Doc. I think you enjoy provoking these things, lbrown, and now I'm no longer interested in whatever background you may have, obviously you've no intention of contributing something worthwhile. Sassy
Re: enough already! This has gone too far, guys. I have read lbrown's posts, and he and I have butted heads a few times, but let's be real....he is allowed to post (I know this is not about censorship, there have been comments directed toward it). It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. And lbrown DOES NOT have to respond to this post, or any other post directed to him. He does not owe us an answer. Personally, I applaud him for the post he made earlier, he didn't have to say anything. He gave us an explanation..kind of. And NONE of us have any right to demand an answer from any other poster on this board. We can ask and if they choose to respond...fine. If they don't - let it be. There is no reason for this thread to have gotten to 100+ posts. All we have created - on both sides is a flame war. We have now gotten to the point that we have to defend our words and our members. Ludicrous, absoutely ludicrous. Sorry about the rampage, but this makes me angry. Dani
Re: enough already! You said it, Sassy. He likes it. And how is it that he can pick at Doc without anyone saying a word, then let Doc ask him why, and everyone is up in arms defending him. I guess they like his negativity.
Re: Thanks PBM Nodding with Breeze, I find this amazing and shocking, shameful too. The only person being ganged up on is Doc, and, all he did was ask a question. Sassy PS, ty pbm for being right on top of troll patrol
Re: Thanks PBM I am sorry, but I don't understand this. Can someone explain to me how lbrown has negatively affected Doc's character? I like Doc, I really do. He offers great advice and he is just an all around nice guy, but he has taken pot shots at some people - Matty for one. Let me guess, Matty has also negatively affected Doc, right? Dani
Re: Thanks PBM If I recall, he caught matty in a ummm how can I put it delicately? there's no way - a lie. So he said so. Is that a bad thing to do on here?
LB 1st I want to say thank you for the serious response that you have deigned to give us(I do mean that honestly). With the background that you have, you can provide valuable insight and info for many people here. I do tend to agree that in a perfect world, FICO and it's bretheren would not be needed or desired. Unfortunately, it isn't a perfect world. However, I do have a suggestion that may help to quicken the day that FICO is no longer used. Help those who come to this board for knowledge in an insightful manner and as they see and learn how to improve their scores, then FICO becomes less useful and eventually lenders will stop using it. Let's destroy from the inside by making FICO, Beacon and the like totally useless. fla-tan
Re: Thanks PBM I was not referring to that incident, but several others. To me, it appears he comes down hardest on him. There has been several snide remarks Doc has made to him (and about him). I refuse to get into a flame war about this so I will just let it drop. Dani
Dear Members, While I agree that PsychDoc's approach is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I believe the questions he and others raise are perfectly legitimate and reasonable questions to which one can expect reasonable answers. Of course, lbrown is under no obligation to respond. If he fails to persuade and his credibility suffers as a result, I would dismiss it as condign consequence for he would have only himself to blame. lbrown's style is unique if somewhat uncanny, but his evasiveness speaks for itself. Given his proclivity for dispensing one-liners I am not surprised he is being challenged on this board. Even when he is on target his curt manner often carries a condescending tone which can enervate the thread or its participants. Finally, I wish to remind all our esteemed members that this board is not merely a repository for facts or soundbites. Its true value lies in the information which emanates from intelligent discourse, from the free exchange of ideas and the exploration of the rationale which lies behind them. We are here to share, learn and educate, not to be lectured. Overweening ambition and perfunctory pride should be checked at the door in all cases. If we settle for less we are selling ourselves short. Sincerely, -pbm
Well said pbm. I was truly hoping lbrown would answer the questions on my and other minds. Oh well, back to ignore.