I filed for BK in 2002...it was discharged in 2002...at the time of filing I was leasing a car...I did not reaffirm but continued to make the lease payments on time and finished the lease as per my contract...on my credit report it is listed as "Included in BK"...is there a way I can get this to read differently? Is there a way to get them to report I finished my obligation with them so it does not look bad if and when I have to get another car?
I think that's one reason they say to never keep a car during BK. We did too and so far it's still listed correctly without the BK on our reports for us, but MAYBE call the company and ask for a certified letter stating that the loan was paid in full as agreed, on time and no lates. Even with the BK they still have the obligation to give you some sort of letter stating how the loan was paid...I would think. Good luck.