Let the Games Begin-Serious Repair

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tessmcgill, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. tessmcgill

    tessmcgill Well-Known Member

    After studying and reviewing the valuable info here, I am taking the plunge and beginning a serious cycle of credit repair. It is a big scary to begin to repair your own credit file. I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row and will be using the following procedures. If anyone has any comments or tips, please respond. As always, your replies are sincerely appreciated. I will wait for any comments before sending this initial letter.

    1) Obtained a copy in August of my Experian report.
    2) There are nine entries. Seven are negative. Six of the negative entries list incorrect dates of first collection activity and/or amounts.
    3) I am writing a single validation letter (CRRR)listing the six entries, indicating these are not my transactions and should be removed within 30 days from their receipt of the letter.
    4) The letter will include a request that they provide written proof with a transactional document bearing my signature as proof that the debt is mine.

    Should I include all six entries in the validation/dispute letter?

    I am disputing 4 inaccurate addresses. Should that be included in the letter as well? What should I do if they request a driver's license and/or SS card. I am distrustful of Experian and don't want to send them any personal paper documentation. They have my name mispelled seven different ways and four addresses of places I have never lived in!
  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member


    if that is your real name, please change it to something else. a nickname, etc. Far too easy for hackers, creditors, anyone, to use any info. you post against you.
    if not, please ignore this post.

  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    first, PLEASE read the first and second thread on this board. Unofficial FAQS page and all related links, thoroughly! Very important.

    Addresses can and probably should be disputed over the phone with the CRA. Usually they will delete immediately, if not, try calling back with different CSR. By mail, it takes too long.

    Validation occurs with CAs, not CRA's. That's disputing.
    Again, please read the first two threads.

    Welcome to the board.

  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't send 6 disputes in at a time. I personally have never sent in over 3 per letter. The address dispute letter should be sent in 1st that way you reduce one identifying factor. Charlie
  5. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Try disputing online. it's cheaper, plus it seems to eliminate "frivilous" letter, if you dispute a lot of accts. Make sure you print and save the confirmation pages, that say what was disputed and when you disputed. This acts as your CRRR.

  6. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    Cute name, Tess. One of my favorite movies. Humblemarc, Tess McGill is the name of Melanie Griffith's character in Working Girl. Just a few suggestions:

    First, you don't send the CRAs a validation letter. You dispute with them.

    Second, you send individual validation letters to the CAs that are on your report.

    Third, it seems that sending the validation letter and disputing with the CRA at the same time is the best way to go.

    Fourth, Experian is easy in my opinion to change addresses and "aliases". You can call them on the phone and do it. Sometimes the derogs get deleted with the corresponding addresses.

    Fifth, get copies of your other 2 reports. It will only slow your complete credit repairing process by tackling one CRA at a time.

    Sixth, get on CreditWatch to get a daily view of what is going on. It can help you get rid of inquiries, too.

    Seventh, do some searches on this board pertaining to your particular problems. Ask the veterans here for help when you need it. This board is extremely active, and you usually get an answer almost instantaneously.

    Welcome and good luck.
  7. tessmcgill

    tessmcgill Well-Known Member

    Thanks . . . will read those posts again. I am sure the Big 3 in their Orwellian quests to control our private info for their corporate gain read this board on a regular basis. I would never use my real name . . . I've been burned in the past and have become a nutcase psycho ninja about privacy. My ID is from my favorite movie Working Girl. :-] Although I still have a head for business . . . the bod for sin has gone south a bit.
  8. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    I knew that name sounded familiar, thought maybe i went to school with a Tess McGill.
    don't worry, i'm a lot more stupid that i look. :)

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    4) The letter will include a request that they provide written proof with a transactional document bearing my signature as proof that the debt is mine.

    You don't get that from the cra's. If you want documents like that, you need to send validation requests to each ca listed.
  10. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    By the way, do NOT sign the validation letter. They WILL dummy up some documents with your signature on them. Get a recorder for phone calls, too. Check your state laws.

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