I recently disputed some tradelines with Cross Country Bank. Over the holidays, I received a letter from their Credit Reporting Dispute Department claiming that I had contacted them about the tradeline. I did not, I contacted the credit bureaus. At any rate, they say that they cannot make a determination at this time, and need me to sign an affidavit and return it along with identification, my social security number, current address, first child, an arm, a leg, etc., etc. You all get the picture. Has anyone encountered this before? If so, how did you deal with it? Regards.
I'ld send them Johnson v. MBNA's greatest hits. They can either CONCLUSIVELY verify the tradeline within 30 days, delete, or pay you up to $90,300.00 for the honor of non-conclusively verifying the tradeline. But, you don't want to send them anything until after the CRA's 30 day investigation period is over.