Here's what they sent me below: "We are responding to the information you sent us. Unfortunately, we could not use this information. We are contacting the source of the information you questioned. When we complete our verification process, which may take up to 30 days, we will send you the results. WTF!!!!! Ok this is the deal The CA has deleted the account from my file, which i have the deletion letters from the CA. When i dispute through EXP the OC verifies it as Trans/Sold. I sent EXP a letter explaining this and asking them to remove because if they dispute it, the damn thing will only come back verfied as such, i enclosed a copy of the letter from the CA also.. this pisses me off. It falls off next year but Exp is playing hard ball......
They are notorious for this. I haven't heard of them accepting anything evidence least not the first time around. That's one of the issues in my lawsuit, too. How can they ignore something like that? Equifax does it, as well. TU is the only one I have seen that is good about accepting evidence from the consumer. L
I had something similar happen. They claim that some consumers will actually forge a letter from the CA or OC. This is very easy to do with computers. Therefore, they will not accept a letter from you that purportedly is from a CA or OC. They will probably take the whole 30 days to check this out before deleting. The simple solution is for them to get on the phone with the CA and to verify it right now, but they will not do it.
What I did was always send them the envelope it came in as proof that I didn't forge it. Even when faxing, I faxed a copy of the envelope also. It worked every time.
Breeze, I sent the envelope also, shit i wish my mail carrier could've sign an affadavit he delivered it, but i guess that would've been a bit too much : ) ... EXP is just too much. What pisse me off is the online dispute was done, and i had the force the girl to do it because it was previously disputed. They then got the letter, so the OC will get two instances of disputes, what if the first one they don't get and the CRA was going to delete it, and look here comes the second dispute They $$@@$ verify again....