Lexington Law

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bj2964, May 5, 2006.

  1. bj2964

    bj2964 New Member

    Hello all, I have recently decided to use Lexington to repair my bad credit. Have anyone used them before and what was your experience with them?
  2. solidg

    solidg Member

    I have been using them for the past 2 months.
    So far they have gotten one item deleted.
    The rest of there disputes the credit reports say that the items have already been disputed. So rihgt now I dont know what they are gonna do. They say they can do something about that I dont know. They say also its just a stall tactic. Right now Im on the second round of disputes, so I guess Ill just have to wait and see.
  3. girlking

    girlking New Member

    We used them when we were trying to get our house and they really did a great job for us. I don't remember numbers, but they raised our credit scores. Remember to send your updated credit reports at the end of the month and call them with any questions. When we were finished, they stopped charging us right away. Good luck!

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