Lien vs royalties question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jamak, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. jamak

    jamak Well-Known Member

    I'm in CA, work as a writer, and California tax board has put a lien against a company that they think is my employer, it's actually a payroll company, one of several that companies use to pay freelance writers and who get their money from my actual employer, say a production company who doesn't want the hassle of payrolls.

    But the question is; the payroll companies mainly track and pay royalties, it's not actual income that I have earned, rather money paid by producers based on showings of my work.

    Is this really income, or are royalties/residuals, "other" income.
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Yes, for both Federal and CA income tax purposes, royalties and residuals are considered earned income and must be reported as such.

    Dependent and Income Definitions

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