About a week ago I sent an email to Ford disputing my late payments, I honestly don't know if I was ever late. on TU it shows up as 1 time 30 days late, EXP says 3 times 30 days late, EQU says never late. 3 different reports 3 different results. Anyway, they responded with yes you were late dispute it with the CB's. I have a million times always comes back verified. I just sent another email to Ford saying these are false late payments and they are in violation of FCRA, I asked that they fax any PROOF of these late payments and that a computer print out would not be proof. I also stated that I do not want to take this to court, but if this was not settled within 10 days that court would be my only option. I REALLY don't want to file a lawsuit. These late payments are over a year old, the car is paid off, and I only save my cancelled checks for 1 year. Has anyone had any luck by bullying them? I will file if necessary. The burden of proof would be on me and frankly I don't have any, but I'm sure neither do they, other than the printout. If I have to file what would I file for? Reporting false info? Anything else? Thanks everyone! KHM
You can file a lawsuit for any reason you want, but if you have no proof you won't stand a chance of winning. My suggestion would be to call your bank and order back statements from the time you bought the car until the time you paid it off. It will cost you a bit but it may be the only way you can prove you were never late. If in fact you were never late, I would then write one more letter to Ford stating that you now have proof you were never late and they are reporting false info in violation of the FCRA. Tell them to fix it with 15 days or you will have your atty file a suit along with making complaints to the atty. general, BBB and who ever else you can think of.
In the email i sent I requested the direct number of a supervisor that could better handle this and I provided my fax number to fax any PROOF they have, I threatened the lawsuit. They responded with no number to contact anyone with, but said they have FOUR late payments on record and can not alter them, they did not fax this info. NONE of the CB's say 4 lates. What would my next step be? Should I send a form of a validation letter? I don't have the proof but is their little printout considered proof? Thanks KHM