lizardking: building pos credits

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ender, Dec 18, 2001.

  1. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Hey LK - I was wondering in what order did you apply for credit cards and whatwould u advise now that u hve gone thru it?

    I figure once I get the remaining negatives off my credit report and have a credit report with zero negatives on it - what should I do?

    In what order should I apply for cards and what would u recommend? How about the income level? Is there a breakdown somehow? Like if I make between 50-60k, there is some limit, then another at 60-70k and etc. Which places make u verify it w/ a pay stub? Any? How about points as to if you have 'checking', savings', etc? Is there a verification process in this as well?

    How bout blacklists? I had a chargeoff with MBNA, AmEx, Citibank, so am I in their system forever now?

    Also - how about a good mix? What's the most # of credit cards u should have?
  2. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Amex and Citibank do have blacklist, they may be off your reports, but you are in their internal records . Amex indefintely unless you pay and Citibank seems to forget after 10+ years or so. Not sure about MBNA??
  3. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    I concur on the citibank blacklist being forgiving after 10years. I had a chargeoff in 1992, it was in the neigborhood of about 2K. I just got approved for the AA cards. That is all I know.
  4. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member


    Was your approval instant, or did you have to waite for your results by mail?
  5. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    Yes, my approvals were instant. 2 cards for 10K each.
  6. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I've had excellent results rebuilding by being added as AU on a number of my wifes card. They report "pays as agreed" xx months, like I had the card for years. Of course, you have to have someone who will give you an AU on their card.

    I applied for NextCard and Target Visa on my own and was approved in the FICO 664 range. The ones that declined me Discover and AMEX Blue, I had my wife get and then add me as AU.
  7. jimc001

    jimc001 Active Member

    BTW, Cap One has a black list also, I know because I'm on it. They sent me an approval letter followed the next day by a "uh, we take that back" letter. I have a paid chargeoff with them.
  8. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Do you think it matters whether the number is listed or unlisted?
  9. superadman

    superadman Banned

    It definitely matters. While the subprime cards expect a lot of their customers to use cell phones, pagers, generic voicemail boxes, and "my friend's number", the prime credit card offerings expect you to have a listed phone in your name. If you prefer to have an unlisted phone at your home or if you live in a situation that has a listed phone in someone else's name, you can always add a listing in your name with the phone company just long enough to get approved and pay your first bill. Then cancel the listing. Furthermore, the prime card creditors understand that some people of means have unlisted numbers. If they dial 411 and ask for you and your number is unpublished, the operator will say so and not reveal the number. This shows them that you indeed do have a phone in your name and they will be satisfied. If the operator says "no listing found", it sets off red flag alarms.
  10. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    Just wondering...

    I do not have a phone in my name... I am not on the listing at all..

    I have not had a problem with that interfering with getting new credit..

  11. superadman

    superadman Banned

    If you've had no problem, consider yourself lucky. But realistically, your score is probably either really low or very high or most likely, you don't have other "red flags" on your credit reports. Specifically I mean a mail boxes etc. address, frequent moving, use of variations of your name, aliases, social security # hawk alerts, etc. Of course there is no exact science because these rules change all the time
  12. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I've never had a phone in my name and didn't have a problem getting the prime cards.....

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