Lizardking et al re TU inquiri

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Irish Diva, Mar 30, 2001.

  1. Irish Diva

    Irish Diva Guest

    Help everyone! I've tried to find this on the board but have had no luck. I thought I saw out there a letter citing chapter and verse to remove inquiries. I tried to get some removed from TU but I got the infamous form letter "contact the companies who put that on there." Isn't there a validation letter I can send to them to get them removed. For the record, they're not authorized inquiries! And Lizardking, I've seen you on TMF and took the poll. You rock!
  2. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Lizardking et al re TU inq

    I just took the poll, and it was there!

  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Re: Lizardking et al re TU inq

    I just went to take it and it wasn't there!!

  4. Irish Diva

    Irish Diva Guest

    Re: Lizardking et al re TU inq

    I took it - thanks to you and other board members I've been able to obtain a prime CC - the Citibank AA card (World Gold or whatever they call it) and now am working on those darn inquiries.

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