This is reference to the other inquires I had for you earlier. There are two accounts one for on my credit report charges off they are for: 3000 other for 2000 as stated on my credit reports I believe that's why they are hesitant to remove them. They are trying to scam me into paying for something that's not my account. I just going to send them a letter threating to sue they couldn't have to much info since they could send me any then I going to dispute them through the cra's again and send the information the send me in reply to me requests. I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind. I have inquires on my credit report that I want to dispute how far should i go back to dispute inquires?? Then if i had disputed accounts with a cra within the last 45 days should I send a dispute for credit inquires or request for redisputing a verified account or should I wait until 90 days has passed Also i have accounts i'm disputing as well should I send all disputes together or send 2 seperate letters?? Also, is it easy or hard to dispute hospital accounts or new collection accounts?? One last question can you get accounts removed that you have paid off and they were closed at the grantors request??? because they hurt your credit as well i see Thanks for all you help I really appreciate it!!!!