Can you email me at fattyfatty396947@AOL.COM and give me some more info on what and how to do this? THanks Christi
Re: your lawsu Hey Lizardking: Apply now for the prime cards. You never know what will happen on Thurs... thanks also for the info.
Re: your lawsu So does that mean you will get the $5k?? Or does that mean they "settled" ?
Re: your lawsu Ok my question is this? Were they verifying inaccurate information and leaving it on your CR? What actually triggered you to file the lawsuit? I'm wondering if I'm in the same boat or not? Christi
Re: your lawsu I would watch your credit report very closely over the next few months. From your post above it seems like your negatives were removed, but do you know if it's permanent or if they just removed them pending the outcome of the lawsuit. Are you still going to show next week? If the lawsuit is dropped, then they might add the info in the next few months back on your report since no court has made them remove it. They could jerk you around for years. I have to say one thing. A warning though to everyone who is thinking about doing this... be prepared to go to court, if it comes to that. Just because lizardking got what seems to be a settlement out of court doesn't mean if enough people start filing claims against them they won't start going to court. It's none of my business really. I wouldn't do it, but that's just me. I can't judge others. Just be prepared to see it through before you start the process.
Re: your lawsu And a judge might not like that you disputed as "not mine" accounts that really were yours. I'm not judging anyone but this method seems to be on the gray area of the law at best.
Re: your lawsu Oh but these accounts truly are NOT MINE. They can't find me by name or SS # in their system. The original creditor says they don't show I owe money. It is for a pediatric doctors office in Michigan, I live in Texas and have for 30 yrs and 9 months. In fact, I've never even been to Michigan in my whole life. However, the collection agency has no info, the dr's office has none but the 3 CRA"s somehow keep verifying this. christi
GET IT IN WRITING If you settle out of court, GET IT IN WRITING! Get in writing that there will be a permanent deletion of items: x,y, z, etc. They have probably temporarily deleted these items to mitigate your damages. I've heard of CRAs doing this. "well, your honor, it hasn't hurt him for the last 20 days or so" etc. It shows a good faith effort on their part... don't necessarily expect it to be permanent. Like I said, if I were you I'd apply for credit right now You probably have the CRAs on violations... but be careful of retaliation. I agree. They can be very vendictive (I've had Equifax REQUEST from a creditor that they resubmit derog info on me but the creditor refused as a settlement for me not to sue the creditor). All b/c I pushed Equifax and they were pissed off. I'd start higher than just deletions, try for one 1,000 violation fine and your court costs paid plus complete deletion (in writing). You can always go down. Remeber: if you're truly suffering injustice you'd want some compensation other than just having the situation corrected... How are you showing actual/ punitive damages?
Re: Christie Oh sorry. Then if they won't delete accounts that really aren't yours then I hope you do sue them.
Re: Christie My atty (and he's normally a creditor atty) told me that in small claims court it's kindof a nobrainer for an average person to at least get 1.000 for violations. It's pretty basic. Harder to prove actual damages. Harder to provide punitive damages but always worth a try. But at least you'd get a minimum of a 1,000 for your trouble. Probably enough to pay off another creditor or 2.