
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Nov 5, 2001.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have been sifting thru the back posts about you suing the CRA's. I'm still a little confused. I'll give you a quick run down about my EXP problem

    report dated: 6/26/01 items investigated:
    Ford Motor...results: REMAINS
    report date:7/23/01 SAME THING
    report date:9/18/01: SAME THING
    report date: 10/26/01: Ford motor Updated to the same exact results except now there is a 'consumer disputes' statement.
    10/26/01 I called EXP to find out WTF this meant, they said they have verified it 4 times and this makes it so it will not be verified again. I asked them (over the phone) to send the procedures used to 'verify' this, they said they don't do that. I asked for a supervisor and was put on hold for about 30 mins., then I hung up.
    I hung up emailed Ford to find out what the deal was, they said they would look into it, low and behold 2 days later I got a fax from tem saying they were taking off the late pays.
    I faxed the letter to EXP, EQU, and TU. TU removed in about 2 hours, EQU it took 1 day, and EXP here it is a week later and it's still on there.
    I'm thinking of filing suit, would I have a leg to stand on? I have all the letters I have faxed, sent CRRR and names of who I talked to. If so, where do I start? Threaten the CRA's or just go and file in small claims court?
  2. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    YOU BET!
    A competent attorney whose specialty of practice is problems such as you are having.
    What do you want to piddle around with them for? You want to spend your time and money piddling around hoping to win? Not me! Once I got them sacked up as tight as you got them I'm going to find me a competent attorney who will take it on a fee contingency basis so I don't have to put out any money and if he wins I got big time money. If he don't take the case then I know I don't have a crying chance and I can just live with the problem. If he wins, all I got to do is worry about what to do with my share of the money.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Makes total sense. The answers are always right there, if I were only patient enough to find them on my own. Thanks Bill.
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    No problem. I like to help people when I can.
  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Send a letter to Experian via Planetfeedback. Tell them your intentions and they will get back to you.
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    That is the FIRST I've heard of anyone getting a response from the CRAS via planetfeedback. Are you SURE?
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I sent all 3 of them a letter thru PFB for different reason but the one to EXP was about this and I sent it a week ago and haven't heard anything.

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