Oh goodie, a fight! KHM, you are an apathetic blob of sun-ripened swine remains! You're also a preposterous casket of reasty maggot fodder! Not to mention, KHM, you're a testy clot of fermenting cow cud and a lethargic helping of second-hand hog swill AND an asisine stack of fossilized rat boogers! KHM, did I forget to mention that you are an ignoramus bearing an uncanny resemblence to gruesome pig slop? Reeky navel lint? Sloppy rodent droppings? A depraved toilet filled with gristly frog fat? Finally, KHM, you are a tool. And worst of all, you are a hostile punk. So there. Thanks, I needed that. Doc
Superadman, better not get me started, lol... You see what happened to KHM? NOBODY messes with PsychDoc. Doc
Do you remember the little tit for tat we had about the ca mailing an envelope? Big deal right? His response may have been a little "strong". You report him to the pbm and then turn around and say the say thing back to him? Come on.
Calling Dr. Psych Tool, Do you think it would be possible to prescribe something for lbrown59, he seems to be going off again.
lw What are you trying to accomplish? To become board monitor? PBM's sidekick? RELAX!!! Oh and you can throw this into your "another for the admin". KHM
Hey, I WANT TO BE REPORTED TO THE MODERATOR TOO! Here's my best shot: lwg8tr, you are a pompous load of nasty leprosy scabs! Seriously, lwg8tr, it takes more than simple name-calling for pbm to censure our free speech here. Usually, the causes are: 1) lawbreaking, 2) blatant financial self-promotion without any reciprocal participation at all, 3) long-term and chronic flame wars with another individual despite many warnings, 4) excessive profanity or adult-oriented posts that run past Creditnet's family-oriented milieu, or 5) personal attacks that borderline on libel (written slander). That fifth category really extends beyond one or two-word bursts of anger. (I can't think of other categories, although maybe someone else will chime in.) Simple name-calling like "twit" or "hostile punk" just doesn't reach to the level of pbm's taking action. Otherwise, people would be running for parental assistance anytime someone made them angry -- and "anger" is allowed here, lol. Doc P.S. OK, mindcrime, you asked for it, you double ugly lump of sloshy carp guts you.
That's fine, but this pantload, LizardKing(Gosh I hope he not a Gator) decided to call me a collector. That hurt more than I can tell. I cried so hard, I shorted out my keyboard. I'm not the one who got all huffy and bent out of shape. I reported him to pbm because I had to nip this in the bud. I didnâ??t want his shortage of his Lithium to dampen my enjoyment on CreditNet. Well you all came down on me. I did'nt know we had a pack among posters on this board not to alert the moderator when some jagoff know-it-all decides to have a Tourettes episode in the middle of a serious conversation.