Just a little bit of name calling to you. Jagoff comes to mind. Didn't know there was a "gang" of us that agreed with you, or something to that effect. Basically it was just a pantload.
George, although I am not an attorney, I do think that I can offer up a few points of law: 1) It is illegal to steal from a thief. 2) It is illegal to murder a killer. 3) It is illegal to beat up a bully. 4) It is illegal to cheat a con man. 5) It is illegal to rape a pedophile. I hope these illustrations help you to answer the burning question regarding Rodney King. Doc
Lizardking, I can't make a clear determination whether lwg8tr is a collector or not. However a brief review of the evidence does suggest that lwg8tr is far more educated than the average human regarding the finer points of credit, collections, and consumer law. To wit, a few clickable links: Exhibit A: "I recieved a summons to appear at a pre-trial for credit card account with Direct Merchants Bank. All three credit reports show a date of last activity of 6/1996, the SOL in Florida for credit card debt is 4 years, in fact Experian shows that the credit entry will expire on 6/2003(do the math). In the papers the attorney shows a facimile of a credit card statement with a date of 12/97. What gives, is the attorney trying to bluff?" Exhibit B: "The amount was $1800, their attorney had me in some deposition 6 months later to comb over my finances. I told him I had nothing and to go pound sand. It's been three years and nothing. The judgement it self was pretty by the book. I agreed to a payment schedule for a set aside of the judgement. I defaulted and the judgement went against me. I don't see alot of wiggle room. I guess the only recourse is to offer payment and hope they will sign the vacate form I send to them to expunge the record." Exhibit C: "Chimed in a way back back and started a firestorm about SOL on credit card debt. Went to pre-trial today and asked to have the case dismissed. This is based on SOL based on my date of last activity (based on Equifax and Experian reports) 6/96. The problem is that the stautes in Florida are very vague. The SOL on contracts based on "written instuments" is 4 years, but as per Florida Statue a 5 year limitations is on all contract not based on "written instuments." Exhibit D: "Don't listen to all of the people on this board who are charter members of the ankle grabber brigade, when it comes to exerting your rights. I suspect that some members on this board banned and currently posting are some of the same pond-scum collection agency types we are trying to grid into dust. Their negativism and legal mumbo-jumbo are meant to intimidate out of your rights, most of them are not lawyers but they play one on TV." Exhibit E: "Nothing that that $3.45 for a certified Cease and Desist on the phone calls letter wouldn't solve. Plus after the SOL for the debt is passed most collection accounts just simply languish at some second tier collection agency in their dead-beat files." Exhibit F: "So in the 'Hate to put words in your mouth' category, what you are saying is that if COMPANY A sells the debt after dispostioning it a CHARGE-OFF, they cannot continue to report it after a CA buys the debt and begins to report it. This raises an interesting issue on the valididity of the CRAs verification of debt. If company A sells the debt and expunges their records, how can the CRAs verify the entry correctly?" Obviously, such knowledge does not necessarily a collector make. On the other hand, it's clear that this individual is either in the top hundredth of one percent with respect to the general population's knowledge base regarding consumer credit... or this person has had some special legal training... or this individual has or does work in some capacity vis-a-vis consumer credit issues. Yours, Psych "Holmes" Doc
lmao.........doc you are too dang funny!! are you like this at home and work too? now i see what you meant talking about "group" that night in chat
lbrown59, read the time stamps on the posts. I posted that before you complimented me. Thanks for the kind word. I'll be nicer. I'm a pushover for compliments. Doc
Ummmmm law student? Ran up debts in college, using his legal expertise to foil the cursed CA's? lw=law g8tr=Gator (school) Sherlock breeze
I have been upfront about who I am. I work in a large debt consolidation company. I don't agree with what they do, and for the record we hate CA and the CRAs also. I have access to two very good FDCPA and FCRA attorneys who are on staff, that's where all the knowledge comes from. My questions are genuine and I have no agenda. So you can take off your tin-foil hat and stop listening for the black helicopters. I am not part of some secret CA taskforce come to infiltrate your group. Breeze was close with his analysis of my username though. Since the schoolyard bullies want to have some fun and tease I guess I will have to switch usernames and IP address. Say goodbye to lwg8tr!
LOL, George. lwg8tr, you don't have to go hide just because you're the subject of discussion here. Stick around. It's a shame you feel you need to go create a new nickname now. Good luck to you, irrespective of your nick. Doc
PsychDoc, you are too funny. I was at my desk when you called lwg some names. I wanted to laugh out loud, but I couldn't because my supervisor was in my office. So, instead I had tears willing up in my eyes!!! You people are going to get me fired or committed for laughing out loud at work!!!!!!