LKH, Lizardking, Marie anyone??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Dec 21, 2001.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I called the FTC and they told me TU has violated section 616 and 617. They told me to contact an attorney, but I would rather go through small's a quick overview:

    For the past few years TU has reported a Filenes charge off ($125). On 11-15-01 I called Filene's told them I don't remember the acct. but I was willing to pay it for deletion, they agreed. THAT day Filene's took my payment AND faxed a letter saying it should be deleted (a feww days later they mailed the letter to me as well). On 11-16-01 I faxed this letter to all 3 bureaus. EXP & EQF took it off. On 11-17-01, going by worthknowing it was gone (I DID NOT PRINT IT). On 11-20-01 it was back on (by worthknowing). I have since mailed a copy of the letter from Filenes to TU CRRR. They received it on the 12-18-01, TODAY I get the copy of the letter back as well as the letter *I* wrote(telling them my name, ssn#, address, and to delete this item, also asking for the procedures used). TU writes on MY letter "SSN# required", ITS ON THERE PLAIN AS DAY! In the mean time I have contacted the TU office and they say they verified with the woman at Filenes (that I dealt with) and she said the account is accurate, TU says they called on 11-17-01. So I call the woman at Filenes, she says TU has never contacted her. She is sending me a letter stating this. Since 11-15-01 I have received NUMEROUS updated reports (inquiry disputes) and on all of the reports Filenes is still there, the last one I got was yesterday DATED 12/14/01, its still even reporting a balance(which I paid).
    This is my proof:
    CRRR saying they got it.
    Fax transmission saying they got it
    Numerous updated reports
    The letter from Filenes saying delete
    and I will be getting a letter from Filenes sayin g TU never contacted them.
    Do I have enough for a case, or should I send back my 12/18 letter telling them to open their F***ing eyes.
    Thank you if you have read this far, any comments are greatly appreciated!
    PS I deal with the Buffalo office and anytime I contact ANYONE in Chester they won't deal with it cause Buffalo OWNS my report!!!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Gumbo

    Gumbo Well-Known Member

    If you only want it deleted, try this. Get the second letter from Filenes. Send copies of everything to the TU legal office. Tell them you are fed up and ready to sue and want it off immediately. Something similar happened to me. I found that sending the letter I got from the creditor to the CRA's did not work. They said they had to contact the creditor directly . I know you already have done this step, but, it is worth writing to the legal department, assuming that your primary goal is deletion.
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member


    I sent you an email.
  5. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Sue them. you have them by the preverbial B$%ls.

    You need actual damages. Can you apply for a line increase and get turned down or for a credit card or 2 or 3 and get turned down.

    also, you could get a lawyer to do it for you or you could do it yourself if you're so inclined. It's a slam dunk.

    You can use this to be reimbursed for your losses, you can get money under the fCRA for their violation, and atty fees and costs.

    DON"T just use this for the proper deletion. GET MONEY for your trouble.

    Take a bit of time and do it properly and you can get paid for this, and nicely.

    I've been reading cases where 5,8,10k are the payouts. a 2.5 payout is pretty standard for caught violations that are "minor" like lying.

    I have some info I can send you if you give me your email. Might be after the holidays as I'm about to be more offline than on.

    any atty familiar with fcra violations will take this case (and with fees on contingency). It's little work, nice fast payout.

    nice holiday present :)

    boy are they stupid
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have another question for you, it pertains to a CA. I started paying them for a bunch of debts (hospital bills for hubby). These were ALL hubbys acct's. He NEVER spoke with them on the phone. I called 3 weeks before it was to be paid off to ask for them to send a letter saying which acct's were paid off, they refused so I told them to stop the last 3 payments ($250 a week). I disputed the entries on my hubbys CR (they only appear on TU), they all came back verfied correct amt (showing balances). I called the CA they stated 5 out of 6 were paid off. I disputed with TU again, verified again. I filed a complaint with the BBB about the CA for them refusing to update and send me a letter. The CA responded to the BBB dated 12/5 saying they pulled a CR on 12/4 and it is properly reported, they said one of them was paid off 9/31/01 (30 days in Sept, minor I know but shows their stupidity). I pulled hubbys report 12/12 and it was still being reported wrong AND the CA NEVER pulled a report on him, soft OR hard. I want to nail the CA, I sent them a letter telling them I caught them in their lie and if they didn't delete and send the remaining acct. BACK to the original creditor I would sue.
    I called the original creditor (doctor) and told them the CA is breaking the law and I can hold the doctor responsible. I gave them til 12/24 to respond, they received the letter on 12/14.
    What are the odds of winning this one? All I want is a deletion on this one. Am I better off going after TU?
    Thanks again!
  7. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    See what the doctor's office does. You can hold them liable for the actions of their collection company

    Have the doctor's office recall all accounts and remove them.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I think their eyes are open.
    Nobody can be this stupid or error prone,not even a CRA.
    The only other explaination is they do these kind of things on purpose.
    They must be getting a cut of the over charging generated by fake credit reports and false scores .


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