Hubby has a Gulf State showing up as positive on his EXP only, we havent disputed it because it isn't showing as adverse. The Status says "transferred" and then the comments section it says "was 120 days past due". His score was 629, now 604 (AU just showed up w/ balance). The other things on there are: 1. paid CA for $138 2. Settled R5 CC. 3. 5x's 30 days late PAID car loan. pos: 1. overdraft balance 0 CL $500 open since 4/98 (joint) 2. GULF STATE balanbce 0 3. Providian balance $1400 CL $1750 open since 8/00 AU Do you think it is negatively affecting his credit? Should I leave well enough alone, fearing it may go to negative? They have NEVER tried to collect on it. Thanks, KHM
I got Gulf State deleted from my credit report because it was a duplicate account. The other company Asset Acceptance is still on my cr but as "unrated". However, it is under the collection account listing on Experian & Trans Union. On Equifax it is a postive tradeline. "dispute-resolution pending". I want it off! I did not have a contract with these people and they need to validate or leave me alone. I don't know about trying to get if off. It's really up to you. I think it depends on what it is showing as. A collection? An installment? It does have the 120 days notation so that is a negative. Sorry, can't give you much advice.
It is posted under installment/1 month/$0. Under status details it says: Status:Transferred Account History:120 days as of 6/00 This account is scheduled to continue on record until 6/2010. It's not in the adverse section it doesnt have the number -5-, so I am assuming it's ok?? KHM
120 days is not good. that is hurting you. If it is in the positivie accounts section, it is a mistake and may get updated at some point. Why don't you try disputing it as never late and see what happens. I can tell you from my experience, gulf state never responds to validations or to cra investigations.