Loan Queen, Ive read a lot of your post ( and a lot of others) and I take it your in the mortgage business and seem very knowable about the subject. I was wanting to ask your advice about where to look for a loan broker. I have did a search on the net but am werry about them. Don't want to give my info to wrong person. I put up another post that kinda exsplains my situation, not that you need to read it to give me some advice. I was just wondering if you could point me in the right dirrection? I live in Idaho, if that helps? Anyway thanks, and if anyone else has some advice it would be apreciated.
dmho, I would ask your friends and family who they have used....that's a good indication. I am not aware of what your issues are...but, I'd be happy to guide you if you give me more details. Don't let some of these recent posts about a certain loan officer keep you from trusting someone else. Only give your information when you feel comfortable. You are in the drivers seat...let them know that up front...they work for YOU!!!! You CAN do this! Good luck!!!
Thanks for answering back. I've decided to wait until I get my dispute done with Sherman Acq. before I try to get a home loan. Then my credit report will still be damaged but at least It woun;t show any balances owed. I did some more looking around on the internet and found a couple of companies I'm going to contact when I'm ready. Thanks again!
Whatever you do, don't look for someone you 'trust' of course, by that I'm not being silly and saying look for someone you don't trust. what I mean, is you ask for full disclosure of all of their fee's and let them know from the beginning you are going to be working with two brokers and getting the best deal. Remember, unless they are a 'buyer's agent' they don't have to work for YOUR interests, they work for THEIR interests.... that's not an accusation in the least...its a statement of fact. Wal-mart, for example, sells shampoo to make a profit for THEM. A broker makes a profit for HIMSELF or HERSELF. that's just life...but an important point to remember. for the best price and demand full disclosure. believe me, I'm shopping for a mortgage broker now for weeks, and I know, its quite difficult, its like going to a snake oil convention.... but, like all industries you have good and bad...I just don't like the advice given by some to look for trust...if you look for that, you'll find the best salesman...don't look for trust, look at the DOLLARS. my two cents (yes I know I ranted)....
AGREED! never "trust" anyone you do business with. if you "trust" them too much, you may take their word for things, without reading the fine print. no matter who you work with, do a background check, read the fine print, and most importantly don't believe that they aren't out to make money off you!!!