basically a debit card that reports to the CRA's? what will they think of next? too many fees.
kell393, They charge too much on the membership even one time and every month they charge $9.95 monthly maintence fee(119.40 annually)+89.95 one time=209.35. The secured card is better than that and I never heard Amerionecard even I lived in Texas. I hope it is not a scam. GET A SECURED CARD!!!!! YOU DON"T KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY DEDUCTED FROM YOUR CHECKING. YOUR MONEY IN HIS HAND. BEWARE!!!!!! Ron.
oh trust me i am not even considering this, i had just never heard of such thing. although isnt it interesting that looking at it, it looks like a legal way to give yourself credit unlike that other card someone posted about that gives you a credit line and will report as long as you pay 40 something a month? pretty much the same concept.