Looking For A Credit Card That Will Def. App Ok, Here is my situation... I work full-time (making about 27k a year) & I am a full-time college student, so I want to see if I will get approved for at least a Student Credit Card. The thing is that I have a repo on my credit, and a couple deliquent/collection accts, all of which I am trying to pay off and have made arrangements to do so. I want to start bringing my credit back up, so I want to get a Credit Card for minor purchases only, like gas, that way I will be able to pay off my balance in full each month. I have been surfing this forum and the web all morning, Ive read various topics.. but seriously, Im still clueless as to which Credit Card to get!! Does anyone have any suggestions for my particular situation??? P.S. I cant get a secured card or anything that requires a deposit bc i cannot afford that at the current moment... Thanks!!
Looking For A Credit Card That Will Def. App HBSC/Orchard is good for rebuilding credit. I used them with a $300.00 limit when I was a 510. There is a fee for the card (about 60 bucks) and if you pay for 6 months, they will let you py for a CRI. I am now 768, 787, 750 and have a BOA card with 6k. I could not have gotten there without the HBSC card