I'm self employed and my scores are all above 650. My proof of income is my 1040's and because of a home business the deductions make my income look too low and debt ratio too high. I don't want to "shop" too much because I'm trying to avoid knocking my score down.
How 'bout going to 1) The local Bank where you cash your checks 2) Go to the Broker (Owner) of a Real Estate Company that you Might want to use and see who he/she works with.
Thanks for your reply! I did call the realtor we bought our house from and asked her if she knew any brokers. She gave me a couple of names and I'm going to contact them today. I didn't now how to go about finding one(there are none listed in the yellow pages*LOL*) I had already talked with my bank because we use direct deposit and eveidence of income can be seen by looking at the deposits on our statements. Our banker contacted a couple of underwriters but their loan guidelines for self employed required using my 1040's for proof of income.
Just so you know so there aren't endless nights, there are several Stated income for Self Employed AND several Bank Statements only loans as well. Good Luck!