Check this list of banks that will open a checking account for you if you are on ChexSystems data base. I personaly have never bounced a check, but I found the list informative and maybe it can help creditnet members that need to open a checking account. Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bank activity such as policy and procedures. Changes in banking operations. Changes in bank ownership. A change in the banks routing number. Banking errors When where and how many blank checks you order and who you order them from. The numerical order of cancelled checks is the latest one I've heard about.
If BofA and Union get tired of you and decide to close your account for ANY reason they can find. Switching banks if YOU HAD an account with the previously mentioned banks AS WELL as Wells Fargo. Writing a check when you are supposed to have XXX funds in the account and then finding out that the bank mysteriously removed funds and when the check bounces the bank won't admit THEIR mistake. Tellers that apply ATM deposits to the WRONG account and it takes the bank 30 days to fix it while you are stuck and fees are piling up and a check bounces... I have even heard a story where a customer was irate with a bank branch manager over a banking mistake and the then the account was closed AND reported to CHEX!!!!! Somebody needs to let their congressperson, Senator or even the Fed know about this Blacklist masquerading as a "CRA". It was designed to spot check frauds AND habitual bouncers of checks. What's sad is that 7 million people CANNOT be frauds or bouncers!!! I believe the banks need to educate their customers, give ample warning on problems instead of just getting that lovely letter of closure from a bank and a report to CHEX hell. Banks need to be aware that CHEXSYSTEMS is not something they can foist upon people with an occasional lapse or mistake in bookkeeping. BofA lost a class action suit over this practice, but still uses it's muscle to screw over customers it deems as unprofitable. There should be a law that, like it is with OTHER credit, ANY potential attempts for collection of money owed or plan to report something to a CRA as negative, the consumer should be given warning to fix it, work out the problem with the bank without being AUTOMATICALLY forced into a NO WIN situation for FIVE YEARS of their lives. Shoot, even with derogs, a bk and collections, most consumers can rebound and get credit in a COUPLE YEARS!!!!???!!!! Boycott Deluxe Printers if you do not like this practice of the banks. I think Deluxe makes nice amounts of profit on it's CHEXSYSTEMS reporting agency as Banks MUST pay to list people. 7 million x ??? $$$ = profits... If I can find the FEDERAL RESERVE REPORT on this practice (they take issue with the nation's unbanked masses and make a strongly worded argument against reporting Joe Q Public into Chexsystems without any warning or discussion).
I have bounced a few checks in my days, always paid them and NEVER did it on purpose. How do you know if you are on Chexs no no list?
Pay them for a copy of your report or try to open an account . If you're turned down it is because you're on the S**T List. Then get a free report.
Those are all real situations I have either read about OR seen with with my own eyes via a friend of mine. She never intentionally (or fraudulently) floated or wrote a bad check in her life. I don't trust most banks as far as I can throw them. Especially the triumverate of evil banks - BofA, Wells and Union. Why, don't you believe a bank can screw up? Banks don't care about their employees OR their customers. Shoot, BofA CHARGES you if you call too many times in a month OR VISIT A TELLER! I am not against a company making a profit, just that banks are in the PERSONAL SERVICES area and their customers deserve a little more for the fees and banks charge and advertising they make you put up with (ATMs that have commercials, they sell info to anybody who pays for it, they are always trying to get you to use their or affiliate's services).
My friend tried several of the supposedly non chexsystems banks on that chexsystems bites page and none of them would open an account for him. He eventually got one through They charge a $35 fee though.
My bs detector is going off on this site. I'd receommend caution. Sorry to be a cynic. A search should reveal other real non chexsystems banks. Just my 2 cents
These requirements assure to us that you are serious about our program and that you truly attempted to use the beneficial information we have provided to you. If you do not accept any of these terms, please do not use our Site and/or purchase our materials. By purchasing our materials, you are stating that you agree to our refund policy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purchase our materials???? I thought you were getting a checking account????
My friend did spend the 35 bucks and got a list of banks and a bunch of stuff about how to get out of chexsystems. He didn't really try the info on getting out, but found a bank that gave him a checking account. I would be a cynic too though if I hadn't seen it happen. But anyways, I don't wanna plug this site any more or I'll probably get accused of being affiliated with it like I always see on the credit repair company threads! Good luck!
Well, seeing as that site is owned by Credit Pro I imagine he received the same debt validation letters, etc that he could have found here or on any other site for free. Waste of $35 if you ask me. Always nice when a 'professional' website uses a yahoo email account.
RED FLAG........ You purchase a information list that shows you how to apply for so called non chexsystems bank, which is BS.... They make a Killing.... You figure they at least get 100 paying people a month x 35.00.... If i'm not mistaken i saw this on a scam alert handout in California.. Two So called credit card agencies were doing the same thing sending out a list of bank that isssued credit cards and charged a fee... They got sued ... Stay away from this bad boy.......
Boy, so much for making a recommendation about a positive experience! Next time I'll just keep my mouth shut!