No Kellyscott, it's just that this board is very proctective and looks out for the interest of the members. Even before i joined i would read pages and pages of post, and they all were either helping, directing or preventing. I decided to join because everyone wants someone looking out for you... So No don't take that away from your attempt. You Just have to Bring it and Bring it Correct!!!!
One of the many reasons I frequent and enjoy this board is because of the intelligent 'reality checks' given. You know the old saying, "two heads are better than one"?... well this is a prime example. This board lets you post stuff and then others throw in their 02¢ to dispel what you've said or thought or to give kudos to it. What could be better than a bunch of people who've been in your situation giving you advice on how to proceed.... or someone taking notice to small print that you didn't notice? So kelly, please do continue to post. Don't take it wrong when anyone breaks down what you post - we all just want the right information. Ozzy.