Looking for creditor address..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kirk, Sep 24, 2000.

  1. Kirk

    Kirk Guest

    I have an inquiry on my credit report from GECAP/SAM'S. I assume this is Sam's Wholesale Club, but I have never applied for anything there. I have been scouring the net trying to find a mailing address for Sams or GE Capital but can't. If anyone knows an address that I should dispute this inquiry to it would be greatly appreciated. TIA.

  2. Alex - Cre

    Alex - Cre Guest

    RE: Looking for creditor addre

    You can dispute it with the credit bureau, here's full info on disputing credit report errors:


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  3. khryc

    khryc Guest

    RE: Looking for creditor addre

    Scouring the net?
    Type in www.gecapital.com and it comes up. Type in www.samsclub.com and it comes up.

    Good luck
  4. Kirk

    Kirk Guest

    RE: Looking for creditor addre

    I've been going to every search engine I could think of searching for "mailing address ge capital sams club". Never even thought of going directly to their websites! Slight case of not being able to see the forest for all the trees. Thanks for the URL's.

  5. Kirk

    Kirk Guest

    RE: Looking for creditor addre

    Thanks for the link Alex. I've hear that it is better to dispute inquiries directly with the creditor. Do you think that it makes a difference whether it's disputed with the CRA or the creditor? Thanks again.


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