Ltr To Settle, But Gotta Question?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MZKITTY, Feb 28, 2005.


    MZKITTY Member

    We asked them to reflect "paid as agreed" and they stated they can't do that, they will mark "paid in full". Now my question is this:

    1.) If you can mark "paid in full", why can't you mark "paid as agreed"?

    2.) I don't believe for one minute that they are going to mark it as such.

    3.) We have the cashier's check printed up, can I type something on the back like,

    "in cashing this check you agree to the terms listed here.....blah, blah and that they will have the account reflect "paid as agreed" with all three credit agencies.....blah, blah"?

    MZKITTY Member

  3. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    They are playing games with you. They just don't want to see you have a positive rating. Writing something on the check won't matter.

    You might reconsider paying them. Everytime I turn down an offer they keep coming back with a new offer.

    MZKITTY Member

    Thank you for responding. The thing is they sent my husband the letter, and now they are constantly calling nagging him about the payment. They came at him before about a settlement, and when we asked for a validation they became very quiet. Now here they are again. It's my husbands bill and it wants to accept the settlement offer.
  5. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, there isn't any reason to settle unless they either report it the way you want or it's preventing you from getting more credit.

    A paid collection is still a collection.
  6. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    A paid collection TL is just about as bad as an unpaid one.

    I would not do anything unless and until the debt is verified!

    If they can't verify, then you have "leverage" to get the TL removed in exhange for payment

    MZKITTY Member

    Ok, I'll press for verification, but now I have another question. Are they required to validate? There have been a few others that I've kicked out validation letters, and they never responded.
  8. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    It depends are you dealing with the OC or the CA. It also depends on your state. In some states the OC doesn't have to validate and in some they do.

    MZKITTY Member

    We're dealing with the CA and we're located in California.
  10. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Good. In Calif. the OC is treated like a CA so they have to validate. I'm in Calif. too and have good success getting Citi to delete.

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