LVNV Funding (again)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fallen, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. Fallen

    Fallen Member

    Okay, now I've read up a bit and realize that LVNV listing itself on both Experian and TU alternately as an original creditor (Experian) and a "factoring company" (TU) are both wrong? Please advise if I'm incorrect.

    LVNV is evidently suing (haven't been formally served yet, but a copy of the supposed civil claim was mailed to me citing a court date of 4-20).

    If they cannot cough up evidence of contract or last payment/default date, I again assume that I can assert that 3-year statute of limitations on unwritten contracts applies as to last payment date to original creditor and therefore they are out of luck??

    They have on the credit reports asserted that the "account" was "opened" on February 2004, when I believe (will have to verify) that last payment to Best Buy was on-about May 2002. BB evidently closed-charged off the account in November 2002 according to TU.

    Any advice as to whether to contact law firm before court date, or just show up at court and proceed to try and get dismissal based on no contract??
  2. knielsen74

    knielsen74 Well-Known Member

    Do you remember "opening" an account with LVNV? I doubt it.

    Make them prove everything. Including SOL.

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