Lying to get a mortgage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cnoob, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. snakeman

    snakeman Well-Known Member

    Re: Lying to get a mort


    "I would seek jail time".


    "If I verified it with the IRS".



    Don't listen to them man. Your not going to jail...their not taking your house.....and I'll be God damned if they would go near an IRS agent on purpose!

    As long as the paperwork can stand up to scrutiny in an audit and of course it conforms to the actual lenders and investors criteria, they'll push anything through.

    These people don't care. And if someone on this board is representing themselves as a mortgage professional who tells you differently....they ain't making no money trust me!

  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Lying to get a mort

    TY Breeze!!!!!!!! TY Willtygart!!!!!!!!!!!


    Breeze was sticking up for me and wasn't comparing me to msn boards, she was referring to cnoob, who with 20 posts, 2 days ago, responded to a post in the linked thread with "you *ucked up don't ever make that mistake again" -- not once, but twice and never would provide any substantiation for his posts or position, even in the face of links showing both to be spewing and erroneous.

    A simple click on search will show that is a straight-up lie and that I have no cohorts.

    It is both egotistical and delusional to believe I follow anyone around, a search will confirm that as well.

    Because when both of you post inaccurate information and refuse to back up the source, or provide links where someone else could do the same, that somehow equate into "whining." I realize neither of you like to be asked to walk your talk, when posting incorrect information -- even information upon which this board is based and linked in the FAQ's and stickys --however, I prefer quality of information myself as is the reputation of this board.

    This thread is a good example, in its very title "LYING to get a mortgage"

    Make it ok any way which way those of you participating need to but you are all promoting, encouraging and patting each other on the back for sharing ways to get away with something that is KNOWN to be illegal and the very title of the thread is indicative of the same.

    The only sensible advice in this thread by the obviously FEW professionals that have functioning brain cells (willtygart and flacorps), has been disregarded and ridiculed.

    So Butch and cnoob, I will take both your comments to mean, that you both promote and share in the enablement of illegal activities (that goes well with your fancy new title in your signature Butch) and are only offended when asked to confirm your information. Since it is deemed to be whining to do so, I'll take that to mean, it isn't the quality of the information either of you are caring about, only your egotistical delusions because the confirmable FACTS, only a click away, speak for themselves.

    This thread is in violation of the TOS, I'm assuming you must not care about that either.

    I am however understanding how predatory lending and servicing got a foothold in this country, enron/ worldcom, on and on the list goes. It is in the inability for most of you to be responsible for your actions and spewings and when confronted and asked for confirmation and verification, or as is the case with cnoob, even when GIVEN the information, choose to disregard it in favor of felonies, erroneous information, and pompous personalities with big heads plopped on top.

    I'll not be baited into responding to this thread again, but I will continue to ask for confirmation and verification of inaccurate information and spewing at the keyboard.

    When you can't and refuse to walk your talk, in your selfishness in not caring when others are asking for your help, nor caring about the quality of information that USED to be on this site, nor it's TOS, if that makes me a whiner, I'll take whiner and accurate, verifiable and legal information every day of the week.

    Spew on, your posts speak for themselves!!!!!

  3. cnoob

    cnoob Well-Known Member

    Re: Lying to get a mort


    You're lame. If this board weren't such a big part of your life, I'd take it away from you. Mooooooooooo.

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Lying to get a mort


    The whole thing is really brutally obvious, and speaks for itself Sassy.

    If you can "marginalize" the advice offered by [perhaps arguably] respected CN members, then it must be obvious that the help they need is not available on CN.

    So where does one go to get the help they do need you ask?

    Oh gee ... just look at our sig line.

    Ye olde Bill Bauer syndrome.

    It should be no secret that 60% of your traffic comes from "other boards". Gee I wonder what board that could be.

    Creditboards cheerleaders unite.


  5. willtygart

    willtygart Well-Known Member

    Re: Lying to get a mort

    This just turned into a Seinfeld episode. The "post about nuthin" ;)
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    One only has to look at my membership date, posts, and go read some, Butch.

    That isn't true either.

    Cheerleaders uniting doesn't explain your posts at CBoards, so now that's refuted as well.

  7. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    ok this thread has totally gotten out of whack so here is my lame attempt to bring it back to the OP's question.

    I - yes I - told the lender when i bought my house many years ago that the medical collections and various other stupid college late pays werent mine. Looking back, i would have qualified for the mortgage regardless and the lender never even asked me to put that in writing. I totally lied when they asked me about it.

    so there is my pathetic attempt to bring this thread back around. :):):)
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Why do you always attack when you are wrong Butch? Oh wait, according Butch's ego, he has never been wrong. Just because you were banned from Creditboards for taking info from there and putting it on your site is not a reason for you to act this way. And don't deny it, your every move was copied there.

    Maybe the REAL reason you wouldn't answer my atty question was because there was once a case that many were involved in. But you, had to have complete control of everything, and from the source, you screwed it up.

    Get over yourself.
  9. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    ok, that said, heres a joke for ya all:

    why did michael jackson like twenty eight year olds?

    because there were twenty of them.

  10. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Oh yeah, I forgot.


    Where can you put it so we can ALL have a look?


    Sorry Jenz, I liked your joke.
  11. Qutec

    Qutec Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    One word-----> Photoshop!

    Good for W-2, online bank statements, tax returns, any thing electronic or paper. Just takes a scanner PC and a little time.

    On a 21" monitor, a 1024*768 pic blown up 1600% gives you a alignment resolution of 1mm. Or you could say that the "B" in the word balance on your bank statement is ~3 inches tall on the same resolution display. You could use a chain saw and get a fake that would pass 99.9% of all eyes.

    Explained another way, you can turn that $2,345.68 into a more respectable $8,456.32!

    People see fakes all of the time. Think how long it has been since you got an email from a friend with an "amazing" picture in it.

    Honestly, I have never used it, but I do know the power of image editing.

  12. willtygart

    willtygart Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    OK, here is the scenario..... dispute any items that are negative on your credit report..whether you owe them or raise your scores and qualify for a mortgage, car loans, and credit cards. Lie on your income and forge documents to obtain the debt you want so bad.

    Once you get the debt, you are sent to collections, forclosued upon, and then file for BK. One week after BK, return to disputing all negatives on your credit reports to raise your credit scores and then qualify for a mortgage, car loan, and credit cards..........feel free to repeat anytime you want here.

    I love everyone of you here on the board, I really do. I know some of you have a reason why you are where you are now and it may not be your fault.

    For those of you that are into the lying to get a mortgage or any other deserve to be in the cycle you are in and that lil thing called Karma really does fallow you.

    There are only two reasons why bad things happen to people. Either it is punishment for something you did or a test from a higher power to see if you are really as good as you seem to be.
  13. snakeman

    snakeman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage


    There are many reasons why bad things happen to people.

    If I ever think enough of you I will list some.

  14. willtygart

    willtygart Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    Well you took the effort to reply, how much more can it be to elaborate on your feelings? I would sincerely be interested in what yer thinking but to ad a lil "if i think enough of you" come on....yer addin to yer karma ;)
  15. J. Vick 71

    J. Vick 71 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    I would guess that some people lie right away to try for a mortgage because they are not informed on how to go about it. I remember when I first thought about how much of a mortgage I could possibly be approved for I looked at FHA first. The debt/ratio/income/down payment etc. Right away the numbers were depressing and I thought the only way to ever get into a house someday would be to lie about income somehow. Otherwise I'm stuck renting at $1100 a month like I have been since a Bankruptcy. I have no lates or revolving debt since 2001 and have learned from my past mistakes. Here is the other problem.

    My income is tipped income, I never reported it all to the IRS because I didn't know how to write it off in deductions like some of the people who legally know how to do things "tax pros". Lying or telling the truth, illegal or legal are lines that are crossed by good and bad people but don't have the information or know how. If I have reported around 20k a year what are the options? Lie? Wait 10 more years?
  16. cnoob

    cnoob Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    I understand exactly what you're saying here, Vicki.

    Everyone that's responded to this thread with comments about how people shouldn't lie on the mortgage are totally missing the point of the thread.

    The thread is not about *how to lie on a mortgage app*.

    The thread is about WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DO and the nuances of that, ie: what constitutes lying, how big of a lie do you have to tell, etc.

    It was a philosophical question I posed about what happens when you "LIE" in matters of personal finance.

    This board is full of posts where people LIE up and down during their credit repair process and everyone cheers. I ask a question about what happens to people who lie for mortgages and it gets mired in judgments and name calling.

    No matter. (Seems long, eh? I'm a quick typist. Forgive me.)

    Your situation illustrates precisely what it means when the "system" is set up to shut out certain people. In your situation, you will never get a "conventional loan" for a $200K property, because you don't have a enough income. Period.

    People like you are relegated to saving for years and years and even then, if you are still in the same type of work, you will need a NO DOC or LOW DOC loan which will most likely require 20% down and massive closing costs, etc.

    A home is a long way off for a lot of people like you barring inheritance or lottery or slip and fall settlement or some other "found money" scenario.

    Unless of course... you tell a little lie... And people do it everyday.

    Considering the antics and tactics that many members of this board have used to get their credit repaired, I would bet my favorite pen that a lot of this board's members have lied in their mortgage process but won't fess up like 420greg and jenz.

    There are simple ways to create and substantiate income for the purpose of a mortgage where no such income exists. I'm considering writing an article about it. I'm interested in anecdotal evidence about similar tactics and possible consequences.

    Anyone who is interested in discussing the topic philosophically, without judgments and name-calling is welcome to email me.

  17. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    Do the words "watermark" mean anything to you? Or paper stock?

    But, how do you "reconcile" the differences "IF" you fall into the statistical group that gets "verified" by phone call, or mail?
  18. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    Per an old song:
    "Yellow is the color of sunshine"....and perhaps

    "Grey is the color of arguments"

    I agree that this thread has gotten out of hand, and evolved into personal attacks. Let's try to put some class and constructive nature back into these exchanges.

    As for this thread, (I believe anyway) that this was somewhat of a "hypothetical" question posed to examine "what ifs" in the real world. We all could banter this one to a never ending death, and never have an answer, because items such as this are always a case by case basis. Hence, the "grey zone", where discussions are only that, there is no actual answer, only escalations of opinions until the point we've now reached.

    I say let's end this, and try to get back to "decorum in the forum"
  19. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

  20. TallSmith

    TallSmith Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage

    This thread got way out of whack and I have definitely seen a side of many members i'd never seen before. The situation was in the beginning a "what if....." scenario and should have stayed that way.....a hypothetical. Let's face it folks, individuals, corporations, CRA's, CA's and maybe even some CNetters lie every day we are alive. Does it make it right? That's each individuals own conscience that determines this......not a lecture by a fellow CNetter.

    So to answer the original question hypothetically:
    Probably nothing will happen if you lie on the app.
    It's similar to "accentuating the positive" on a resume'. Lenders have bigger and better fish to fry than some piss ant (I am not referring to anyone directly) in BFE overstating his or her income by whatever amount. It's easier and faster for them to tell you to bugg off and decline you and move on to someone they can approve easier. Get real guys and gals, these large companies could care less about all the perjury and penalties and all the other BS you sign. All they care about is if and when you are approved, that the $$$$ keeps coming in...and even then, the loan's probably already been re-sold if you don't pay.

    Hopefully this restores the clarity to the original poster's question.

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