Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage exactly what i said before...a lie on an app wont get you in trouble (because the truth will more than likely come out through verification). forged docs will be a huge problem (yes, we will/have sued). depends on the lie...minor infractions wont do anything.
Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Since you brought it up. When you banned me from CB, why wasn't I allowed to go in and get my own PM's? Why did Breeze think she couldn't spare me 10 minutes to get into my own account and get my PM's. I had GMAC's corporate address which I STILL need. It's gone. Interesting how the most important PM's are gone. Why are 1/3 of them missing? Why haven't you said anything about Dixies PM response to my question as to what he thought about my placing his work on my site? Since you're into asking questions, answer these? [sorry Dixe] .
Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Butch, I was banned for being an idiot but got over's more then a forum board bud.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Unlike you, I will answer your questions. You weren't allowed in because you were banned. A simple apology would have let you in. We didn't give you 10 minutes because frankly, we didn't trust you to only to get your PM's. Mailboxes only hold so many PM's. I have no idea what was in your box, but when it reaches a certain amount, the bottom ones are deleted, just like bumpage. And if you are insinuating something, you had better be able to back it up. Already answered that. I don't know what Dixies response to anything is. If these messages were so important to you, why didn't you try to get them for over a month. Dec 6th was the most recent time you were there, prior to you emailing Breeze. Whatever was there was so important, that you didn't bother for a month to read them. I don't know what you are trying to say, but make your accusations clear so that we know how to proceed.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Butch, one of the things that you agreed to when you registered at was to abide by the TOS - which states, in part, that: The software is set up to only store so many messages per user, when you exceed that number, the older ones are assumed to be obsolete and are deleted automatically. PM inboxes are not meant to be used as online storage space. Just like with anything else computer-related, if you want to make sure you don't lose it - back it up in a second location. And I completely agree with LKH - if you're going to accuse us of something, be clear about what your accusations are. It was pretty arrogant of you to use our server space for storage of things you "needed", considering the circumstances which got you banned.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Butch, if you would tell me who gave you GMAC's address, I will be more than happy to try and get it for you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort Enough you guys. Just drop the witchhunt already or go get some therapy for whatever you think Butch did to you. Or better about I make a voodoo doll of Butch and auction them off at EBAY, the way some posts have been lately, I could probably retire from the bids.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage Butch, The depths of your manipulations, twisting, and straight-up lies to promote this online facade of a persona you have created, continue to amaze even me. Willtygart, Thank you!!!! Your responses in this thread have been authentic, sensible and verifiable. Cinderella, No witchhunt, you would let publically posted lies about you go posted without response? Sassy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort How about you don't know the first part of it. How about, accusations were made. How about Butch asked several questions to which I answered. How about, you should know both sides to a story before you make stupid comments.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort Sassy, are you talking about the part of me being banned for being an mean to say that you can verify that I am?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort No Will, That was the authentic reference. LOL Verifiable was the advice given in this thread on lying to get a mortgage -- sensible too. Common sense isn't so common anymore! Sassy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mortgage It was a PM from, I believe Radi8. (thanks Radi) I do need it, and it WAS there. Yes please, I'd appreciate receiving it. Dec. 6 was the day I left for Hawaii. Everyone knows that. .
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a Yes, of course! I don't agree with you so of course, I am an idiot. Nice rational there. Have some stuff to do......I'll defend myself later.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort She was just tryin to calm the board LKH. Need to get nasty with her too? .
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort Of course, how could I confuse telling me to go get therapy with trying to calm the board. My mistake. And I didn't call you an idiot. I said you made a stupid comment.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort Because first of all you desperately need therapy. Other than that please just go get my Radi PM, so we can all just move on. .
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort I was getting your address, but now you can forget it for that comment. Your fat ego is still in the way. I may need therapy, but at least I'm not a psychopathic liar with an ego that won't let me admit when I'm wrong, kinda like you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort No one on CB has any obligation to get you anything, Butch. We were being nice about it!!! Who do you think you are? Perhaps I should post your obscene letter to Larry and let Cinderella see why you really got banned?? You talk like that to him - and he offers to get you the address - and that makes us the bad guys??? So then you insult him again. Grow up. That address is most likely available on any search engine, and defintely available at Planet Feedback.