Lying to get a mortgage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cnoob, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. J. Vick 71

    J. Vick 71 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    And this has what to do with this subject???

    I opened this up tonight and expected to hopefully see some added input or advise on this.

    All I see is people from Creditboards going at Butch. Why would they do that with www.creditboards in the signature? Wouldn't P.M's or E-Mails do here?

    Apoligize and you can get your P.M at Creditboards. That speaks for itself, Wow you really showed Butch?
    I guess he could do real damage over there LOL!

    I don't have a thing to do with what you guys at Creditboards are talking about but your true selves really show here and I will NEVER read a word from there EVER again. Total disrespect for other Creditnet members reading over here.

    Cinderella I totally agree with what you said and understood it as most rational people would that it was a half joke, and you were trying to change the subject again as I was. UNREAL! Thanxs for the advise and input on this subject I really learned alot from you Creditboard people.

    Willtygart, total blessing you are not over there any more. Now I see why.
  2. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Ask Butch. He brought it up.

    Again, Butch brought it all up. All you really see is people from CB defending themselves against completely baseless, unwarranted accusations. Read it again without the butch-colored glasses on.

    Apologizing isn't something Butch is capable of, that's why the offer was made in the first place. Unfortunately, a basic tenet of apologizing involves admitting you were wrong, again, something Butch isn't capable of. And the offer was rescinded some time ago.

    I doubt it, most people at CB think Butch is a gas - you know, all hot air.

    Suit yourself. Your presence there hasn't been missed to this point, I doubt that it will be in the future.

    That is a sentence fragment that makes no sense.

  3. J. Vick 71

    J. Vick 71 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    You can bet the farm on that!

    Thanxs for your expert advise.

    Are you guys now selling Creditboards glasses, or do we have to follow the leaders and earn them?
  4. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Congrats Butch on your new job with the National Association of Securities Dealers!

    Firms (broker/dealers) are members of the NASD. Licensed reps. of member firms are registered with the NASD. It is a very powerful regulatory agency.

    You're working your way up the ladder Butch! Maybe soon you'll have the sig Butch, FDIC. Anyway, congrats!
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort


    That's all we needed to know.

    Since you were "getting my address", and willing to "do me this little favor", I guess you are able to retrieve/read private messages after all, which of course I always knew.

    When you created an excuse to Ban me, (as youâ??ve obviously done to others) I asked you to allow me to get my PMâ??s.

    • Email to:


      I need permission please to get back in long enough to get my private messages. I've asked numerous people for help on some stuff and there's info in there
      I need.

      It should take only about 20 minutes, and I will not try and post anything.


    Whereupon her reply was:

    • Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 20:22:40 -0800 (PST)

      Butch, I can log into your account and get them, and send them to you if you'd like.


    Well Breeze was kind enough to retrieve my PMâ??s, reduce them to PDF files, and send them as attachments. I have them all, thanks.

    But hereâ??s the problem you see.

    Around Oct. o5 03: You, your litter, and Saar had a huge fight. Thatâ??s why Saar went and started his own board. Big argument about whether or not the â??mod squadâ? should be sneaking into members private messages. Messages that are supposed to be private. Saar didnâ??t think you should. But the â??mod squadâ? said they (YOU)
    • COULDNâ??T.

    Hereâ??s a short exerpt from the â??mod squadsâ? screed of Oct 5. 2003, entitled;

    Rumors, lies, false information.......

    And I DO recommend you go read this.

    • The fact of the matter is this: We do not, and cannot, read your Private Messages that are sent via the board. .

      And, given that the people perpetuating this falsehood use the exact same software as we do on CB, why is there not speculation that the PMs on that site are read as well? Because they don't want there to be, they want to continuously make CB out to be the bad guys

    You're right Saar doesn't want there to be. He has a nice, quiet and productive community over there and wants to keep it that way. I don't blame him.

    So I guess you have more problems than you think.

    If you guyâ??s want to visit a board other than CN, Iâ??d suggest, Saars board. Because if youâ??re anything like me, no matter how much benefit could be derived from hanging out with backstabbers who lie, I wonâ??t do it anyway. It's not worth it. Thatâ??s why my â??banâ? from CB is of NO consequence whatsoever. It doesnâ??t pass the laughable test.

    Frankly, the problem with a liar is, he canâ??t remember what he says.

    So hereâ??s my last question.

    On Oct 5 2003 you told the world you CAN'T see peoples PMâ??s. And that Saar was â??the bad guyâ?.

    Yet, during this episode, (banning me) you were kind enough to send me ALL my PMâ??s, in PDF format, after â??logging into my accountâ?, and even reiterated HERE, since you were â??looking for my addressâ?.

    Ergo - we must ALL ask:

    Were you a liar on Oct 5th, or are you a liar today?

    Which is it?

    Side Note: I do want to express that I donâ??t believe Chuck had anything to do with the fascoâ??s created by the â??mod squadâ?.

    Moreover, I have ALL the email, AND PDF files and would be delighted to forward them to you. Just shoot me off an email, so I can reply.

    So â?? there we have it. I thought about writing a LOOONG, detailed report about all this character assasination crap going on over here. Iâ??ve remained quiet for as long as I possibly can. Iâ??ve NOT responded to most of it, but this thread took the cake.

    There were no items of work which belong to someone else for which I failed to give proper credit, and claimed as my own.

    There should be NO doubt as to the agenda here, with these guyâ??s.

    So gang, if I ignore these guy's from now on, you'll undertsand why.

    And my last question: If, after observing all this, do you want to place any trust in anything they say? And believe me, this ain't even the tip of the ice berg.

    And I AM very sorry gang for all the hassle.

    So - to coin a phrase: "Spew On Kids".


  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Thank You Jeff.

  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Once again you are creating false scenes in your pathetic little mind. I asked radi8 tonight if he sent you an address. Feel free to email him and ask. We can't read your pm's. The only way Breeze was able to get yours is because you gave her the damn password. Duh!. You better be able to back you allegations Butch. I've reached a limit with you and your pyschopathic rantings and ravings.

    Yes Butch, YOU gave Breeze YOUR password to log in to get YOUR messages. Saar left for reasons other than what you may claim. In fact, saar was banned from here for doing some less than ethical things. Ask CCN.

    But you Butch, are making up lies to fit your false personality. You are a phony. You are a liar. A bold faced liar. You make me want to puke with your lies. And I have many people that have dealt with you in the past in credit related matters, that know who is telling the truth here.

    Did CCN ask you to tell us to go somewhere else or did you purchase this board thus giving you authority?

    No, it all boils down to your ego again. Just can't take it when you are wrong.
    Oh, by the way, radi8 says he never sent you a thing. So, who's lying?
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Oh don't worry, I can keep goin.


  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    So can my lawyer. LOL
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    So can my lawyer. LOL
  11. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    I'm gonna get banned from here for this, but it'll be worth it to tell you that you are one slimy piece of shit, Butch.

    We didn't create an excuse to ban you, Butch - you were stealing - you're a thief. You were violating copyright laws. It's against the TOS, and in our TOS we reserve the right to ban you for breaking it. Period.

    Funny, you got all riled up because LKH shared an email you sent him, saying it was private property. Guess your morals and ethics only run in one direction, huh?

    Get it right - the disagreement with Saar, and Saar going his own way - happened in MAY 2003, several months before Saar started his own board.

    Yes, because he wasn't a part of CB any more.

    OH MY GOD. THAT is the funniest thing I think I've read all night. Is that the latest "reason" as to our split from Saar? REALLY? Oh, please forgive me while I stop laughing and compose myself.....

    No, there was never a discussion amongst the owners as to whether or not we should look at people's PMs, before Saar or after Saar. There was no reason to have the discussion as it was never something we wanted to do.

    That transition doesn't make any sense, Butch. I don't know what in that makes our problems more than we think. You quote a post we wrote, say that Saar has a nice, quiet, productive community over there, and say we have more problems than we think?

    I always did wonder why you ran around the net, and even just this board, contradicting yourself.

    Neither. Since your account was de-activated, Breeze was able to change your password to something you wouldn't know - hence you couldn't log in - activate your username temporarily and get your PMs for you. She was being nice and doing you a favor by doing so, you know that. And you slap her in the face for it. Nice guy, Butch.

    But don't you think our members would notice if their passwords were suddenly changed? We do. Since we also can't see our members passwords [they're encrypted], we wouldn't be able to change them back to what they were.

    Come on. Stretch this into your paranoid, schizophrenic delusions if you like, but again, you're just full of shit and wanting to start trouble. You know it. Deep down, you know it.

    Get your facts right - the "mod squad" is made up of the moderators, not the owners. And I do so hope that Chuck will be by here shortly to call you on another lie you've perpetuated in this thread.

    Funny, we have some written by you that you thought were long gone. And some more recent ones. I'm sure your little fan base here would see you in an entirely different light were they to read some of the things that went on here on this board and through e-mail.

    You're just way too much, Butch. The only agenda here was to get you to stop spewing unsubstantiated lies about CB and its members. You're such an egotistical sniveling snot that you couldn't handle the fact that there was a board where you aren't allowed to promote your propoganda and steal other people's work. None of the "credit" you've given on your site was given until you were called on it.

    That speaks volumes, as does your twisting of events.

    Oh, and read the post by LKH - he asked who sent the PM with the address so that he could contact that member and get them pass the information on so he could give it to you. Despite the fact that a simple google search would have yeilded the same information, easily, and I know you know how to google.

    Oh, I can make PDF's too, so think "libel" and "slander" in your sleep tonight, little Butchie.
  12. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Sarcasm Butch. You know I think you're a fraud.
  13. J. Vick 71

    J. Vick 71 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    OMG Those people are sick! Can I join Creditboards so you can read my P.M's? What is a P.M? Oh ya should I donate money so you people on Creditboards have more time on your hands to read P.M's?

    Um Butch I'm flying with you, I'll probably get a ITS for that comment LOL.

    I actually knew about that situation in October from reading as a guest. I am SO glad I will never EVER spend time over at the follow the leaders site. They pick apart every word you say and attack others if you do not respect the boards straight ahead view on things. Mr FICO SUX with the Bart cartoon removed it to try to get the 20% FICO discount. When Fair Isaac saw it what they think? And then Mr FICO sux put the cartoon character back on when he didn't get his way. What kind of person is that? Fill in the blank I don't need to, it speaks for itself.

    Butch, Thank you for your above post and CONGRATS on a real life situation. I can see why you don't want to play with the kids in the sandbox. Creditboards LOL!
  14. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    - If you want GMAC's address, 2 minutes with Google will get it for you. I do not have it, nor did I PM it to you, that I can recall.

    She was able to do so by changing the p/wd to your account, and logging in to it- AT YOUR REQUEST.

  15. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort guys take stuff way to literally. People have problems and look to others for help. Community helping each other out, plain and simple.

    If you spend all your time hanging out on credit boards, your problems are far worse than you think.

    If the Administrator wants to read PM's, let them. It's your choice to subscribe or not subscribe.

    On the other hand, it could be illegal to do so but we won't go there since I have no specifics.

    However I do believe that the rambling going on HERE about something that happened somewhere else is pointless.

    I like Sassy and Butch, regardless of who's a pervert and who's not and regardless of who reads who's messages. Frankly, I believe the whole thread was a complete sham and should be deleted as it probably has little to do with credit repair and more to do with Felonies and flame wars.

    Flame wars should be taken elsewhere. People who come here and to other boards want to or need help. This whole topic is not helping anyone.
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Have some popcorn...
  17. cocobrowni

    cocobrowni Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Why don't you Credit board people just go away,, It's amazing how you guys don't allow this on your board and will take a holier than thou attitude and lock the post over at CB, but yet u think it's Ok, to come over and do it at another board, argue like little kids in the name of defending yourselves,, Please give me a break,,,,, NO one really cares and to constantly bring people over from CB to back you up is so juvenile, It's like going to get big brother and big sister and cousing Pete,,,,,

    LET IT GO...............................................
  18. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Okay MR/MRS Mysterious person who just opened a new account today so that they could post this message without being bashed. I agree..

    and Breeze, thanks for the popcorn. I like you too.
  19. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying to get a mort

    Sassy, you have a right to defend yourself against lies, yes. But IMHO, there have been several threads, excluding this one, where Butch has been put on the defensive. This thread was inevitable.

    You and LKH have been tag-teaming him lately. I don't what happened at CB, and I don't want to know.

    I don't think he has ever been off watch since "Leaving the Building" took place.

    In any case, Butch is a great poster with a ton of information. Coming over here and hounding him, which is what's going on, is wrong.

    Having said that, I respect your posts and what you bring to the forums, but not in this regard.
  20. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lying t

    It was meant as a half-JOKE.


    since you took it so seriously, I stand by my therapy recommendation!!!!!

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