Mail call 01/04/2002

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kittw1, Jan 4, 2002.

  1. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    We haven't seen this in a long time (LOL!):

    1. FCNB packet.
    2. New insurance cards
    3. Verizon promo offer
    4. VALPO Law school brochure
    5. Telephone bill - $46.34 YIPPEE
  2. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    yippee, as in I am happy to give baby bell money, or yippee phonebill is lower than I expected?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    SON got CROSS COUNTRY VISA junk mail and GOLD MASTERCARD UP TO $10,000.
  4. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Today I received a pre-approved offer for my very own First Premier Bank Gold Mastercard. It promises no security deposit (why would I think that I need to put up a security deposit!) and 9.9 APR. Now in exchange for no deposit and 9.9 APR I get to pay the following:

    Account set up fee 29.00
    Program Fee 95.00
    Annual Fee 48.00
    Participation Fee 72.00

    Total Non-Deposit 244.00

    Oh yea they have a plan to teach low FICOs like myself how to be more responsible. If I make a mistake and send a payment late my APR becomes 23.9.

    Also if they have made a mistake by soliciting me they will teach me not pose as a good credit risk. They do this by giving me a credit limit of $250, leaving me $6 whole dollars!

    This is subprime HELL!
  5. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Leo, I was with Bloodsucking Bell, but now I am with Faux Bell (MCI - still gotta call Bell for repairs). I was paying $90/month with complete choice pak and no Long Dist. Now I have 200 free min long dist, frequent flyer miles, and cheapness. Cust Svc is lousy, but hey, it wasn't all that hot with Big Bell anyway.
  6. miles

    miles Well-Known Member


    -Sharper Image catalogue

    - Letter from Capital One confirming receipt of my opt out letter regarding the arbitration clause they were going to add. My account has been noted and this clause has not been added.
  7. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Still getting nothing in the mail. Have the forwarding in to the wrong address. I can only get it once a week. :( I'm going through mail withdrawl!!!
  8. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    But..when you do get mail, you will get a bunch of it and have fun :)
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Citibank platinum select with that PHONEY card in it..
    MCI bill $111, after looking it over I called MCI cause I was getting waaaay overcharged (overlapping phone calls) now down to $97. THATS IT


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