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Mail Call Citi AA secured Card!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kustomkat, Oct 26, 2001.

  1. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    For all those looking for a good secured card with a good bank plus all the pleasures of bonus points and miles this card is for you...

    I just got a notice in the mail for a Citibank AA silver secured card.. (too bad I already have an unsecured one LOL)
    100% guarenteed approval as long as you have no current delinquent credit obligations.
    The details:
    800 minimum deposit (ugh kinda high) into a Citibank CD that yeilds 4.75% APR, it is a fixed 18 month CD. Your credit line is 100% of your deposit and you can deposit more any time.
    17.9 % APR nterest rate
    otherwise all the same fees and benefits of a regular citibank card.
    Im not sure if it reports as secured or not...

    For all those needing a card I would get this one before one of those other banks....

    Citibank has been well known on this board for great customer service...

    Good Luck to All

  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    If you want this card I guess just call and ask for it..

    (GEORGE might be able to get this one, and Matty dont cancel your other cards for this one JK LOL.)


    the low 600 club : )
  3. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Youns should be leary of this card 'cause they sent ME this approval. They must be out of their minds.
  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    ****DISCLAIMER****This post is not about credit issues, it is about my mail. If you don't want to know about my mail, then you don't have to read it.

    I got a Household Mastercard invitation. Terms are:

    18.9% APR, 22.9% Default APR (Variable)
    25 day Grace
    $19 Processing Fee
    $59 Annual Fee
    $3.50/month on closed accounts with debit balance
    $29 Late Payment Fee and Overlimit Fee

    In the trash it goes....

    I also got some coupons for orange juice.
  5. making

    making Well-Known Member

    Any one know if they would take someone after including them in a bk?
  6. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Probably not! Why would they????
  7. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Citi does not report the secured card to the credit bureaus (Only when 18 months period expire).

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