Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof EXACTLY MY POINT. My post DID NOT DEAL with the LAWS, only the PRACTICES and MENTALITY. Your posts concentrate on the LAWS. Why can't you just accept the fact that my post did not deal with the topic as you would have treated it?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz gosh, it's been a while since I started a ruckus.. (remember??)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof ok, so it is NOT about accuracy, thank you, finally!!!!!!! NOW I am happy. Spew on boys! Sassy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof Butch, you should be ashamed of yourself. Because Sassy hasn't agreed with all your thoughts recently, isn't a reason to say some of things you have. First, where she said he was lying in response to Flyings post, IMO, she is correct. It is amazing how things get stretched words and meanings get changed. Now you don't find Flyings work as "worthless" as Sassy said it is? Where did she ever say that? She didn't. And I might add, that you were all to pleased when I posted I had found that article on Bauers site. You are very fickle. You change directions as often as needed for your own appearance here. Nobody ever said Flying doesn't have a right to be here, and no one ever would. Where did that come from? And what is wrong with the link in Sassys' sig? Other posters have links going to credit sites in their sigs. Is it only creditboards that you have a problem with, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand? And, because Sassy doesn't agree with things being posted and voices that opinion, does NOT give you the right to be so rude to her. You have other issues with her and are using this as a platform to attack her. That, Butch, was incredibly rude.
Re: Making Yourself Judgment Proof "What a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!" "I'm tired of using pretty words, you're just lying." Could it be that these quotes from Sassy are incredibly rude, too?
Re: Making Yourself Judgment Proof Yep RichGuy, They sure read that way when you seperate them from what they were in response to and TRY and paint a different picture than what REALLY occurred. Sassy EDITED to ADD the REAL stuff: Butch: Note to Flying: You have as much right to be here, be heard, learn and be corrected (preferably gently) as much as anyone else. If you allow another, who has "creditboards" in their sig line to scare you away, shame on you. Sassy: Where might I have implied that Flying shouldn't be here, be heard -- correction is quite the point -- though I've been using the word accuracy. WHAT does creditboards have to do with anything????? You don't have a link in your signature but you certainly are a member and have a wholeeeeeeee lot of posts there -- what does that mean and what are you trying to say? What a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!! ***************************** Flying: Going back to he post where you list a long list of grievances against my threads, you only show as "errors" things that you WOULD HAVE ADDED had you been the author. Sassy: That's a lie too. I'm tired of using pretty words, you're just lying. I posted the laws, the specific laws and regulations that directly contradict what you present as factual. OTHERS have done the same, so don't try to make it like it is just me having a problem with your spewings.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof I feel you Flygirl i got your back and appreciate your insit. As i like to think outside the box also. SaSSy just chill and veiw another opinion.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof I already did that, t_simms, it seems as though they don't want to let me go. You aren't jumping on the twisting what I said and didn't say bandwagon too are ya? Sassy Previously posted: ok, so it is NOT about accuracy, thank you, finally!!!!!!! NOW I am happy. Spew on boys! Sassy I enjoy these post from Flyingifr
When I was a bill collector one of my best routines was to send the debtor a check for $1.14. Accompanying the check was a letter saying we collected an illegal late charge. When the check came back in my bank statement I knew exactly where the debtor did his banking from the endorsement and stamps on the back. You can bet the next Friday that bank got a Seizure Order. For $1.14 (which I just added back onto the debtors account) I got several hundred dollars. The lesson is simple â?? don't cash small checks your creditors send you. If you must, sign them over to a friend or relative and let THEM cash it (in a different bank where you bank, that topic is next). Flyingifr ============== Pretty expensive $1.14 check. Talk about check cashing fees .LOL THE END ** *** ** LB 59 """"```--~~~~~~~~~--```'""'''
Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof That was the idea - let them think they got something for nothing. My cost was teh cost of the check printing plus the stationery for the cover letter and envelope and postage (postage was the most expensive item). If the mail came back, fine. If the check was cashed.... BINGO and PAYDAY!!!!
Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof Just think LB, now half the people in these forums would know to sue you over such a letter lol
Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof Ok - here's a question...if I don't have a job (and probably won't have one for some time as a stay-at-home mom), am not on the mortgage, don't own anything personally except a 10 year old car, and am only on one joint account with my husband (not the one his paychecks go to, just one that he puts $$$ into to allow me to access it with an ATM card), can creditors come take stuff from our home that was bought with spouse's money? My husband supports us and all our possessions are bought with his money. Are they subject to seizure if a CC co gets a judgement against me? am I judgement proof? thanks! poochie
Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof NOT AN EXPERT...but I would think that if he had bought EVERYTHING that they could not come after any of it (PROVIDED YOU DON'T LIVE IN A COMMUNITY PROPERTY STATE) Copies of receipts taped to EVERYTHING in the house??? I'M GLAD I USE THE 100% CREDIT METHOD...PAPER TRAIL FOR ALMOST EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE I can PROVE I bought the TV at SEARS...too bad it is at the DUMP (didn't make it to 15 years old)...(receipt for just for an example)
Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof Good point - I'll make sure to save receipts. They won't be able to find any income for me past july of this year - after that I routed all of my consulting pay into a corporation. I haven't used my own credit cards in a while (+/- 18 months) so they can pull statements and see I haven't been shopping for household stuff.
Re: Re: Re: Making Yourself Judgement Proof According to the web site I just checked into, neither Ga (where I live now) nor AL (where I'm moving in Jan) are community property states. This is good, right?
Judgement Proof can creditors come take stuff from our home that was bought with spouse's money? Poochie ================== They can't take what's not yours so you don"t own the stuff. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Judgement Proof true! after I stop working alltogether (the end of december) I won;t even "own" the food I put on the table. What a pain in the a&& Thanks again for your posts! Poochie