hello there-hoping i could get any kind of help here in what to do.Have been reading a lot of stuff on the boards and has been very helpful.Here's the situation,Have a bank one card that started as Assoc.nat bank then first usa & now bank one that is a charge off.Rec. a letter from Financial asset systems & sent val.letter on may 30 & never heard from them.Then i rec, an arbitration letter from mann-bracken for same account dated 6-9-04.thought it was same company so did't send another v letter.Now just today 4-22 i get an arbitration claim form & comprimise for 70 0/0 of bal.by fed ex.The form is dated 7-13-04 that says i have 10 days to make pymt.arrangements or will go to arbitration.Fed ex had left 4 tried to deliver tags on the door since i'm not home during the day that said i had to sign for it or it would be returned to sender.Now when i got home it was in the door & on the front of the label it says if shipment in undeliverable or refused do not return to shipper.Question is what can i do now ? try to call them & try to settle ? still send a val.request ?I'm in mo. a state where they are not liscenesed but the bal. is $8902.00 & if they will win the arbitration anyway,what's the best coarse of action.Would like to settle but still don't have anywhere near that kind of money.Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks
what exactly are you talking about ? do you have two issues, one for a fed-ex delivery and one for arbitration ? if you didn't want the merchandise why didn't you call the company and cancel the order after the first attempt to deliver; instead of making the guy/gal come back to your door 4 times. as far as arbitration, you have to reject arbitration (go to why chat's website to get the sample letter). this will buy you some time to make settlement arrangements, if that's what you want.
it's not 2 diff.issues.Mann-bracken sent the arbitration claim form to me by fed-ex & i was never at home to sign for it so after 4 attempts they just left on the door since mann-bracken didn't want it back.I know i never signed anything for bank one never applied for there card.This account has been thru 3 diff. companies now.So the question is can they do this arbitration thing anyway ? Sould i try & make settlement offer? What's the best approach to not getting a judgement to me. Thanks
1*I know i never signed anything for bank one never applied for their card. 2* So the question is can they do this arbitration thing anyway ? 3*Would like to settle but still don't have anywhere near that kind of money pbone ================== 1* So then what would there be to arbitrate on when you didn't have any dealings with them?? 2*What is there to arbitrate? 3*Why pay them when you don't owe? ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS.
Go to my website, linked below, find the Refusal Of Arbitration Letter, send it. IF they try to obtain a judgment based on an arbitration award, you then use the follow up motion format as an answer and defense.
it started out as an amoco visa thru associates nat. bank then changed to first usa now it's bank one.I know this arbitration thing is kinda new for cc companies and i wonder if since it wasn't a bank one account when i started (it was assoc.) can they still have the power to take it to arbitration w/mann-bracken ?on this accnt. my first notice was from financial mgmt.systems & i sent them dv letter on 5-30-04 & have not heard from them.but i get the first notice for arb. from mann-braken 6-9-04 & the 2nd notice of the arb.claim form by fedex on 7-22-04.Can i send the arbitration refusal letter & dv letter in the same packet crrr ? will it help ?thanks for the info guys!
I do not suggest sending two letters in the same envelope. If you want to send something besides the refusal of arbitration, I suggest the SOL letter, sent separately.