Many Previous Addresses: Probl

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by frankh, Jan 6, 2001.

  1. frankh

    frankh Guest

    I just got my Experian online report. They have 8 previous addresses listed for me, many acquired in college while moving every year.(this was 10+ years ago) Any effect on me when creditors look at the report? Should I dispute some of them to get them off? How would Experian verify? My other reports do not have more than 1 or 2 addresses listed.

    Also, Experian has my current address with a note saying "Notices: This address is a non-residential address: my address, TRADE CONTRACTOR-SPECIAL TRADE:my address"
    It is a 2 family house in a residential area, but my neighbor has his phone listed for his remodelling business. Does this hurt me? Should I dispute this?
  2. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Many Previous Addresses: P

    Experian will remove any addresses you want off. I had numerous addresses also. I called them and the rep removed the addresses I wanted. So give them a call.
  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Many Previous Addresses: P

    Me too i have like 8+ addresses.

    im going to make them take them off. My current address is listed as a commercial business. Strange.
  4. frankh

    frankh Guest

    RE: Many Previous Addresses: P

    Sam, have you had any adverse reactions from creditors because the report says you live in a commercial address? We are ramping up to get a mortgage, and I want our reports to be spotless.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Guest

    RE: Many Previous Addresses: P

    A comment on the residential address reporting as business. If the creditor whom is checking the bureau can verify it as a residential they generally will with different programs avialable to them. Although I would imagine some do not do that and would just decline per unverifiable address. So it could cause some problems. I would contact them to have them remove at the same time as the other addresses.

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