MARCI ? or anyone Bank of America ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cherie, May 15, 2002.

  1. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member


    I am becoming a complete slave to my credit cards and their balances.I am spending hours studing and figureing on just what move I can make next to hurry to debt decrease along. I am going to have to make myself some computer "rules" as here it is again going on 1 o'clock and I have done nothing of any bragging rights today. So I am going to post my question and VOW.. not to be back to this computer until 9:30 or so tonight. I hope to find some good answers.

    BANK OF AMERICA.. you told me some time ago about getting automatic credit increases at 9 months.. .you were correct. now do you know if 9 months from the last increase ( for me January) can I expect to have another automatic credit limit increase. .. NO, I am not trying to get INTO more debt.. I am trying to get our debt load housed under one or two cards at the best rates I can get. Right now.. my BofA CC has a CL of 12,000.. and after a payment in about 10 days there will be a balance of 10,300.. I have another CC at 2.9% until October with a balance of $3900.. by October, I'd like to have these balances merged to ONE payment .. perferable Bank of America.. can you give me a hint or am I in the wait and see boat ?

    Here I am after this months payments
    BofA 10,300 @ 4.75% prime for life
    Citi 4,900 @ 3.9% until paid
    Cap One (smart switch) 3,900 @ 2.9 until Octobers billing.

  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    I have not had my BofA card as long as yo have, if I remember correctly, so I cannot comment on CL increases past 9 months from personal experience. But rumor has it that the increases come every 9 months (i.e. 9, 18, 27, etc...) and that they get larger each time.
  3. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I have not had any automatic credit limit increases, though I have received 2 upon request (with inquiry) since I have opened my account over two years ago.
  4. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    What were you balances at the time the other??

    As cherie mentioned her balance is quite high, from past experiences, low balances get high increases, near maxs gets you nothing:(
  5. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    BOA auto credit line increase can happen 2 ways one it could go up by a thousand or perhaps two thousand every 9 months,or if they send a BT offer of prime for future transfers once a year on this offer.If you would get this kind of offer with their special checks you can increase your credit limit up to the amount that the letter says you can have,and you get alot more credit this way minimum of 4K to as much as 10K depending on your payment history with them also they look at account usage to decide how much more credit that they will extend to you.Doing a BT will net you more of an increase then calling,and requesting one on your own.Let the creditor come to you when it comes to getting a larger credit limit.I have a total of $131,200.00 worth of credit limits on 16 cards total.You just need to exercise your credit in a responsible manner just like what a person named creditworks said to get the highest credit limits.
  6. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Dear Friend,

    Check your email today? See what I was thinking was if BofA.. did another auto raise in the 9th month.. maybe that would give me enough room to stick in the remain balance of the 2.9% CAP ONE to it come Sept/Oct. thus going down to 2 CC payments instead of 3!!

  7. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

    I've had my card almost 2 years and have received no auto increases. I transfered balances when I first got the card and never used it again. It was never over half the 6k limit and I make a $100 payment like clockwork every month. Is there anywhere online you can request an increase?
  8. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I received a first increase at the 9 month mark, I had to call them and ask for it. From 6k to 9k.

    Some weeks ago I received some checks. The offer
    say that they will raise my limit to 12k if I use those checks (4.75% until May 2003).

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    WIFE AND I each have an account...4.75% till increase with it...DOWN side $50.00 FEE!!!
  10. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member


    We have the same offer.. I started w/ 6800 for 8.9 until paid at about 9 months I transfered the remaining off to a lower rate then got a raise to 9300 with the checks and offer to go to 12K, if I BT'd for 4.75 PRIME VARIABLE for life.( it is not until paid- the rate COULD go up or down as prim e does) I did the transfer right away up to 11,900. Right now I stand w/ a 10,300 BofA balance, but I have a 2.9% $3900 balance on another card until October. What my game is in my questions is trying to figure out if I might have another automatic raise w/ BofA by then so that I could put the last two accounts under one roof.. Dear Bank of Amercia

    Maybe my question should be .. whose got the highest CL w/ Bank of America .. and what time farm and actions did it take to get there?

  11. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I had a zero balance at the time of the increases. I paid the account off first.

    they have never sent me an offer to increase with a bt.

    I started with a 6900 limit. The first increase took me to 10k, and the second took me to 19,500.

    And by the way, I do excersize my credit.
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I sent a PFB a few days ago and received a response, saying they are looking into it (my APR), I did get a contact name though:

    Bradford E. White
    Card Services Senior Relationship Manager,
    Bank of America

    757.441.4252. I can be reached Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.

    Maybe give this guy a call and ask to raise your limit so you can combine your balances from the other cards.
  13. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member


    I have filed the contact information with my other credit card notes- thank you. I won't REALLY need to do the asking about the combining or credit line increase until about September/October when my 2.9% is about to end on the other account. Until then, I am going to try to pay the same regular payments per month to BofA. I think I am set up for $300 for mid .months of June/July/August/September so I can show our consistancy and dependability. I am figuring I will only be short on credit limit by about 800 to 1,000 by then. If they give me an automatic increase surely this will cover what I'd need. If not.. I need to just "look good" when I do the asking.


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