Marie, others, plz chk my letter...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by OtherTerri, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Update


    I don't think you need to go there quite yet. With an AG I think you have the right to have someone else take a look at your case FRESH.

    See if there is another, more responsible person, at the AG's office.

    Just a thought.

  2. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Re: Update

    Should I call them? I am concerned about not having everything in writing.

    I could call to find out if the person at the AG office received my letter, and see what their reaction to it is. If they are in agreement with DeVry, I am sunk.

    I just don't see any reason to prolong this. What could they possibly need from my personal records?

    This is all about their records!
  3. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Re: Update

    I received a final letter from the AG telling me that they cannot do anything at all because I would not sign a form to release my personal info. The letter I sent told that that there was no reason to access my records because this has nothing to do with anything I have done. They should be upset that this has happened and interested in investigating DeVry, not me.

    I am really furious. Not sure what to do next. Should I sue DeVry? If so, in what court?

    I also sent a letter to Exp about the inquiries. I asked them for DeVry's certification to pull my report, and the name of the person who pulled it each time.

    They responded by telling me that I needed to send them more info to identify myself! After a year of pulling my reports? I don't think so. I sent a new letter, and ignored their request because it is totally ridiculous.

    Any ideas!!!!!?
  4. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Re: Update

    what ended up happening terri?

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