Equifax is showing my divorce from six years ago and my former spouses name on my credit report. Can this be disputed? Is there any reason they could possibly have for needing that information to be on my credit report? Thanks! L
I would dispute it. I know a divorce may be a public record but come on. And to have your exs name on your rpt doesn't seem right. I would dispute as NOT MINE.
Wow. That is just too much. Every creditor you have doesn't need to know you were divorced years ago. I would send them a letter telling them to remove it.
My sig. other is listed as my spouse ... nice that Experian recognizes us as a married couple, but state and federal gov'ts won't (yet). Does that make Experian a liberal and friendly company? -mj
whyspers, Dispute it and it will come off. Did it just show up? If so, maybe your ex is applying for credit as JOINT with your SS. Charlie
Yeah GEORGE they do. My daughter bought a house with her boyfriend and EX put it down as spouse. My daughter was pissed, so I disputed it off. I said not married, please delete. Charlie
Equifax listed my ex as spouse. I wrote them and included that printout from my CR. I circled it and said I do not have a spouse, please remove. It was removed.