Hi There, I recently received this letter from MBNA after sending them a letter to validate my account with MBNA: "MBNA recently received your letter on Oct. 2, 2004 regarding the above reference account. Our records indicate that this account was written off as bad debt on Sept. 30, 2003, and was subsequently sold on Oct. 15, 2004 to NCO Financial. MBNA has not made any collection attempts for this account since that time. Since MBNA no longer owns or services your account, please refer to future inquiries to NCO Financial at 1-800-550-9890. MBNA has forwarded your recent correspondence to them. Sincerely, Danielle Usher Customer Advocate" Here's my questions: 1) I am within SOL for California and would like to settle this debt with the original creditor, MBNA - since MBNA no longer owns this debt, does this mean I have to deal directly with NCO going forward ? 2) If I send a validation letter to NCO and they do not validate. Would I then be able to go to MBNA and settle the debt, even though they say they don't own it ? Thanks! Kat
It was sold so you have to deal with NCO Has NCO sent you anything yet? How much longer is the tolling of SOL? AS long as NCO does not validate, there is no proof that you owe anyone anything With any luck you might be able to let the SOL run and not owe NCO a dime. If not you will have to negotiate with NCO , but only after they are able to validate the debt I don't think MBBA will accept payment from you since it was wriiten off as bad debt, and sold....not just charged off and sent to NCO for collections
Re: Re: MBNA acct sold to NCO Thank you for your quick reply. Here's my answers to your questions: 1) Has NCO sent you anything yet? -I haven't received anything from NCO - that I am aware of. I have moved twice since this letter. 2) How much longer is the tolling of SOL? -I think I have about 2.5 years left for SOL to run out.
Re: Re: MBNA acct sold to NCO Well I would do nothing until I heard from NCO Then I would send them the validation letter