MBNA Fraud Department??Who/Address?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ender, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Anyone know the address or phone number to write too?? I have a tradeline from them on a CR am trying to remove it.. they just give me the run around saying the item was sold to a CA.. NCO.. I contact NCO and NCO wrote me a copy of the letter requesting deletion from the CRA..

    I am trying to obtain the same thing from MBNA directly.. anyone have contacts, address, etc??

    MBNA just tells me to dispute w/ CRA.. CRA says it is verified.. I ultimately want to obtain a letter from MBNA so I can nail the CRA.. so i need a contact name/address where MBNA will actually respond.

    Help anyone?
  2. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    If NCO has your MBNA debt, that means that it was charged off and sold to them.. All Dealings will have to be with NCO.. You should have dealt with the Debt while MBNA had it and not let it be written off.
  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm, do you work for MBNA or are you just spouting your un-informed, jumping-to-conclusions, never-paid-late-on-a-bill-so-i-have-the-right-to-criticize, personal philosophy.


    Whew. i'm winded.
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Yes Rubyjean works for MBNA and is a legend in his/her own mind. Your comments were completely out of line. If you can't give info without a smart ass remark, why not just not respond. Rubyjean has always been pro MBNA, anti consumer.

    Hey Rubyjean, ever heard of the fact that sometimes unforseen life events can cause something like this to happen? How about, if you want to seem knowledgable and helpful, you just post the friggin address that was asked for and keep your insults to yourself? disgusting.
  5. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    As Of right now I am in the Charge off Unit on loan from the Credit Department until the end of the year.. Yes , I am Employed by MBNA. If it was a Fraud issue, You should have Called the Toll Free Number on the your card when it happened..
  6. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Wow, i'm glad you have a high-powered law firm, working for you. Have you ever heard of identity fraud?

  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Great. The address??????
  8. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    damn remind me never to get an account with MBNA..those are some rude bastards apparently.
  9. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    I have never at any time time given a Smart ass comment to you or anyone else so get off your dam high horse.. I see unforseen life events every day
    and I do not hassle them.. It is the people who have no intention of paying there debt that bothers me, I love sending them to arbitration.. My Comment in regards to NCO was a Truthful Statement.. When I said call the Toll Free Number on the Card, It is the best way to get any answer that you need.. They can give your every address That is available.. When someone posts something n this Board, I just post a response, So if it bother you to bad.. And the previous poster was correct , I have never been late on any payments. But I do not rub it in anyones face.. only yours.....!!!!!!!!
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Could you explain your arbitration process?

  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Really? What do you call this?

    You should have dealt with the Debt while MBNA had it and not let it be written off.
  12. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    It is a situation, whether it the account may be five or 180 days past due, due to reviewing Credit reports, Mail Correspondence, Or just contact with the Customer saying that they are not going to pay. I submitted one today.. Customer had a Mercedes Benz car loan with about 20,000 Equity, A Mortgage with Plenty of Equity, He owed Balances to all Credit Card Companies, Had a couple of accts with us that over the past few months has refused to pay.. Due to the equity that is available.. We submit an arbitration rferall, in which along with the Credit report an asset report is also pulled , At that time the arbitration department will decide whether to arbitrate or not.. If they decide to arbitrate, It is turned over to our lawyers, who basically send a letter to call and set up payment arrangements or they are going to go after any assets that you may have to collect on the debt.. A lot of people will call soon after and discuss ways to pay off the debt, on the other hand , if the Customer does not have any assets , arbitration can not be used.. it is used a lot with accounts that are not even 180 days past due.
  13. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

  14. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    How about if i told u i never even seen the card or even HEARD of the account until i saw it on my CR?? Do you have an address?? what do i need to get rid of this??

    i also contacted NCO.. and they sent me a letter apoglozing for the mistake as well. Can i send this to MBNA to clear up all this??
  15. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. debt collectors threatening to place liens on assets. Can they do that? Legally?

  16. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    I will get you a fax number or address to get the imformation that you have to the Correct Department. It may be a day or so.. Fraud Department may not be the best bet,, We have so many departments,,I will have something for you in a couple of days..

  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I DON'T have any problems with RUDE people at MBNA AMERICA...THEY JUST IGNORE ME!!!

    I have asked (I don't know how many times) for an increase in the credit limit for 6 YEARS (+$1,600 in 10 years)...NOTHING FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS!!!

    I did get QUANTUM @ 11.99% THEN 9.99%...(AFTER 3.99% BT)

  18. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

  19. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    I think that depends on what state you reside in, the liens thing...

    GEORGE: you are probably right, I dont remember them being terribly rude when I had accounts with them. I think ruby is just having a bad night or something. I probably jumped the gun by basing my opinion of MBNA on one employee's comments.
  20. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    OT- why are you posting like that?
    I thought the FDCPA had provisions for that type of thing?
    could you explain this to me more?


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