Credit Card Debt is Unsecured Debt, Companies have a right to try to collect it.. It is perfectly legal.. Most people will call after recieving it.. If You lent me 10000.00, and did not secure it with anything of value, wouldn't you try to do something to collect it.. It is only used when it is needed.. I have only submitted 3 arbitration referalls, and only one of them had a letter sent out.. The one I did today gives a total of 4
Yes, please let me know.. I would definitely appreciate it. My credit file was either confused with someone else or someone opened accounts under my name.. I have documentation to prove all this as well - police reports and have filed affadavits and other documents the other companies wanted me to do.. thanks..
Oh good grief!! rubyjean posts on several credit boards under various nicks, in what I perceive to be an attempt to help consumers. I can't for the life of me figure out why you all go after people like this who give us inside information about their industry or company. So you don't like what MBNA does - wouldn't you rather know than not know???? We have someone here who can answer questions about the artibtration thing that MBNA is using to collect. This is a big issue - it is being challenged in the courts right now. Having access to this information is (excuse me, tee hee) a good thing. So you don't like the verbiage. Duh - who cares? It's the information that counts. Thank goodness rubyjean continues to post helpful information for consumers who are dealing with MBNA!!! Ya'll need to do something about the hair-trigger response to a long-time, helpful board participant. Just for the record, I don't like what MBNA is doing, and I won't accept their offers because of it. But I think rubyjean, while most likely collecting information to do her job, tries to help consumers. She hasn't ever been rude or condescending, IMO, but has stated facts as viewed from the other side of the issues.
Re: Oh good grief!! she went off on Ender before knowing the facts. not once, but twice. I think they presumption that she was being rude was justified, regardless of if her intent was to 'help consumers' just like a collector. So I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one. thanks.
Do you really think that by looking at this guy's credit report and seeing his equity in his car and so forth that he is just refusing to pay? Did it ever occur to you that he may be in a financial bind and is deperately trying to get out? How did you know he had a Mercedes? You people think that he should sell his car to pay you off. Did it ever occur to you that since his credit is bad now because you and other creditors are turning on him, that he cannot go out and purchase another car? A cheaper car? People like you make me sick. You've never been where myself or many other people have been financially. Most people do not choose to have things happen to them. They simply try to fix them. You creditors with your pissy mindset make it even more difficult to correct these problems! Rubyjean, why are you on this board? If you pay your bills on time and do not have credit problems then why are you here? To make pissy remarks, that's why!!!!!!!!! Does it make you feel better? You are a scum suckin' piece of @@@@!
Something else for RubyJean.... How many times have any of us had a life event and had the jerks in the internal collections office REFUSE to work with us. It is not that WE didn't try, the OC was the horse's pututti! Part of the problem with places like MBNA is the "banking" terminology. A manager isn't a manager, he/she is a "Vice President"! Talk about dealing with over inflated egos!!!!!
The good news - Consumers may be able to sue in court despite the infamous mandatory-arbitration clauses: Saar
I visit this board because I enjoy reading the posts and Believe it or not, once and a While I may add a Comment .. not with any harm intended.. I hope that you feel better now because you are a Scum Eating , Piece of S@@T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to rubyjean and MBNA... Oh rubyjean oh rubyjean Your company is a big scheme You rob from the poor and kick em in the ass when they cant make that minimum pay To those who have problems in this life You would shoot em and stick em with a knife rather than see they want to make good on debts and get back to where they were Alfred E. Lerner is a crook the man knows conning cause he wrote the book I have never known a company as contemptible as MBNA Well maybe Enron but I mean credit card scam companies So rubyjean why don't you ponder this and please its not personal so dont take this as a diss As I sit at home in front of the pc snacking on some PB&J sandwiches I also think of how nice life will be in seven months For in seven months rubyjean I will be a filing a bankruptcy...and you and your collectors will be a dying Cause this cat has learned the laws from front to back and looks forward to dumping all his debts including good old MBNA So rubyjean I bid ye a fine season this year cause you will soon be out of work and drinking lots of beer For I owe MBNA enough to cover the average West Coast Dock workers salary Not for a few months but for an entire 12 months Its good to know that there are collector scumbags out there. Are you one of them? Is your paycheck more important than the moral consequences that collecting debt from someone may not allow them to pay their utilities and grocery bill for the month? If you feel good about such an idea, then I CANNOT WAIT for my bankruptcy to go through. It's coming in December. I CANNOT WAIT!!!! Goodbye debt, Hello Maui! WOOO HOOO! aint no lie cause this white boy had enough of debt and almost is gonna cry Robert
Maybe a little. But just a little. I become angry when people like rubyjean spout off about, "well, if you would have paid your bills, it wouldn't have come to this...". They just don't get it. People like rubjean should have to experience a set back in life so they know what it's like to have creditors and collection agencies call you at work and at home threatening you. To have your credit ruined. Maybe then they wouldn't be so high and mighty. Sorry for the name calling.
Yes I was a little over top with that post. PB&J + Hennesy does that to me I guess The fact about MBNA is they are THE DEVIL!!! Which company is sponsoring (and speaks extensively with the Congress i.e. the Republicans and Dem c.c. company bootlickers) this horrible creature called bankruptcy reform 2002? MBNA. They suck. Their contempt is unbelievelable! Their idea of "credit education" is a one page insert about spending wisely and balancing my checkbook! $%*& MBNA and all the other c.c. companies that give $3k limits to college students and hit them with penalties when they can't make the min pay... they make me sick!!!!!!!!!! Look at their treatment of customers compared with the better c.c. companies and you will see...MBNA needs to go down. The only entity needing credit education is the credit card industry. MBNA should be the first to experience this. I look forward to my contribution in the process. Cya in hell Mr. Lerner
I have a problem with this. What the hell did you do, order one too many pizzas? What ever happened to personal responsibility? Gib