MBNA raises my rates

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BLE103, Nov 2, 2000.

  1. BLE103

    BLE103 Guest

    Could anyone on this board tell me what MBNA's definition on "recent increases in the costs of funding our credit card portfolio balances"?I take that i am un-profitble to them.Is this the case?Your answers are greatly apprechiated.They did give me the right to reject the change by closing my account with them.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I REFUSED A 1.00% INCREASE IN MY INTEREST RATE BUY CLOSING THE ACCOUNT AND NOTIFYING THEM I AM NOT INTERESTED IN A HIGHER RATE...AFTER THREE MONTHS I HAD A NOTE ON THE BILL SAYING COME BACK? So I called and they said I made a mistake in closing the account because I lose all rights to special deals offered from time to time. Make a long story short, he re-opened my account and reduced the 13.99% rate to 9.90% till January 2001 and my increase to 14.99% is cancelled.
    GO FIGURE???

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