Figured I'd jump in on this one.......... Susanna, you have NO RIGHT to call names! To ask a question and then insult the people that are offering you advice, is JUST PLAIN STUPID! YOU ARE STUPID if you think it is OK to not pay your bills. The fact that you would be OFFENDED by MBNA wanting you to abide by the contract YOU signed, is STUPID! (Sorry LKH and pbm, I just don't like to mix words!)
Javan, I believe that YOU were the one who told me to chargeoff this account (check your posts). Guess that makes you look a little STUPID doesn't it??
Do you even READ what you write?! Why don't YOU check YOUR thread. While your doing that, why don't you check Marci's threads. You MIGHT learn something! Probably not though!
You need to go backand reread the posts. The only thing negative Marci said to you was that you may be a troll and that was after you called her a "bloodsucking vulture". As others have said, even if she did work for a cc co., what difference does it make? The advice she offered to you was very sound. You really do owe her an apology.
Susanna, I don't think you realize some of your situation fully. Many people on here are disputing old debts, and fighting off collection agencies for debts long past the SOL - most of them had some kind of problem - loss of job, illness, ID theft, fraud, divorce, over which they had little control. Many of us tried to get offers like the one you just received, and couldn't get them. Many have already been through bankruptcy. Your debt is very new, still with the original creditor, not a collection agency, nowhere near the SOL, and you are on the verge of being sued for all the money. Your choices: try to play "Deadbeat" and hope they will go away - if they are ready to sue you they know you either own property or have income and/or bank accounts - they can do an "assett search" and find out pretty much exactly what you have. MBNA isn't playing around. This is real different than a sleaseball CA saying they're going to sue you. You have a lot to loose if they get a judgment against you; You can take bankruptcy and live with that for a long time. You can take this deal they offered you, and com e out of this with good credit and a good relationship with MBNA. The difference is between credit hell and credit purgatory. Those of us who've been to credit hell are telling you to choose purgatory. There are some folks on here who have no qualms about running up debt and then walking away. Some are masters at it. Most of us are not like that. We have nothing at stake here. You are getting advice from long-standing, well-respected creditnet members. Most of us do not work in the credit industry, the few who do, don't harp on people. You asked for, and got good advice, based on the information you gave. It's your decision. Nobody here is another person's judge, but if you ask us what we think we will tell you.
Totally uncalled for. Please apologize to Marci, she has done nothing to you. And you have her mixed up with another Marci on another message board. Credit card companies are bloodsuckers? I bet you didn't think that when you spent that money. They extended you credit. And they are making you an offer that is more than fair. With your attitude, go ahead and totally default. You will get what you deserve. PS I am an insurance agent.
Susanna - do *not* attempt to clown me. I am a molecular biologist. MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST. Let me say it one more time. I am a MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST. I was not trained in accounting, business, or finance, or retail customer service. I was trained in biochemistry. BIOCHEMISTRY. Thank you for your apology in advance.
Marci, You have my apology... I was told by someone through an e-mail that you were with a cc rep. My experience with them has been disappointing, to say the least -- when my husband was out of work for 18 months, not one would work with me, reduce my interest rate, or even keep my account open once it was paid in full. Thus, the "vulture" tag...well earned in my humble opinion. Noone here has had to walk in my shoes this last 18 months which were hell for me and my family. We could have (maybe should have) filed BK, but we didn't because we wanted to pay all our bills. And, we have done so with the exception of MBNA and AMEX. That's why I came here to get advice about my options. And, I did get "big picture" advice from those who told me "no pay without deletion" to take the MBNA deal and run with it. Thanks to all of you who helped me...
Suzanna, Reage is Bank Jargon, It means that as a Courtesy, Your Account will be brought Up to date and current... As far as the 150 day, it will still be part of your Credit History, but as time goes by and you pay your account down and keep it on a good payment schedule, the negative effect of the 150 day will decrease as time goes on..
I would also tend to agree with the people here. marci has offered good advice.. that being said, it realyl comes down to the basic questions: 1) Is it past the SOL? If YES, then you can either a: attempt to negotiate and get negative items removed from report b: validation, estoppel, sue If NO, then you may have omsething to worry about because they can come after you. How far will they go? Well, depends on the amount and $18k is to me worth the money for them to pursue. This can lead to garnishment, attachment and all KINDS of things.. decision is yours - personally, I would negotiate.