Which do you like best. Thinking of buying the new Lexus RX330 but like the RX300 older body style better. Does anyone else feel the same???
I've had both, the old body RX330 and BMW X5. 1. The X5 is fast and slick looking but will change to a much harder ride in a year or so, and is VERY unreliable. Mine was in the shop every second month, and finally I got one month payment credit for my troubles. Couple of my friends have had similar problems, and they couldn't wait to get rid of it... 2. The RX330 is the most reliable SUV in 2004 in its size (according to consumer reports), and is easier to drive and is more maneuverable, and quite fast also. It is more maneuverable with the old body style though. Buy a used one - you won't regret... Bad-Credit-Advisor.com