Med Coll, OC HIPPAA??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Poochie, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Poochie

    Poochie Well-Known Member

    My hubby has a med coll on EQF from a hospital for $50. We have no problem paying for deletion. Is HIPPAA applicable? I've read Why Chat's letter and it seems to only apply in cases where OC has assigned account to CA. Can I use this letter, or do I need to contact the hospital and beg?


  2. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    I don't have an answer but wanted to chime in here too because I'd also be interested in this answer.

    I have one acct that is with an assigned CA and it's VERY obvious by the name for what I was treated for.
  3. Poochie

    Poochie Well-Known Member

    Shanyl - your case is somewhat easier...go to Why chat's credit site and download the HIPPAA letter. The OC violated HIPPAA in sending your account to a 3rd party. Good luck!

  4. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    The HIPAA letter is even MORE applicable when it is the OC health care provider reporting.

    Just replace any mention of a CA with the term "your billing department"
  5. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Thank you Poochie and WhyChat!

    I hope that you get your answer soon Poochie!

    WhyChat - is this the case when they send any medical bill to collections or only if the services are identifyable (like Michigan Erectile Dysfunction Clinic -- lol had to make an example of how identifiable the clinic's name is)?
  6. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Maybe I misread the HIPPAA letter.... doesn't it have to be a paid account - no outstanding balance?
  7. Poochie

    Poochie Well-Known Member

    Is HIPPAA still valid if the CRA entry on my husband's report is for his minor stepdaughter?

    I called the hospital today and offered payment for deletion, but they refused (stupid!). So now it's time to play ball...


  8. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    BUMP. I'd still like to get an answer and maybe poochies does too. Thanks
  9. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Medical information is still medical information, it would even be more relevant when its someone else's medical information being shown on your credit report.

    Under FACTA the medical information (Like Shanyl's MEDC is suppressed when a third-party obtains the report. It only lists *MED* or something else, the Michigan Erectile Dysfunction Clinic is suppressed, unless you have signed a specific release for the release of the medical information, this is one of the reasons small CA's who have medical clients are up at arms right now, because they either have to jump through all these small little hoops for FACTA compliance, or stop reporting (some CRA's have already inplimented their FACTA medical information compliance) medical accounts.

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