I have a medical collection that is on my report as Medclr but when I paid it and got the receipt, it was NCO. I thought I would call to ask for deletion. I called one number, that number gave me another number, that number gave me their NCO Credit Bureau Dispute Resolution Unit 800-221-0158. Go figure... Anyway, I call, informed the rep of the situation. He said that it should have been deleted already. I asked him could he delete since the listing is by Medclr. He said yes, they are the same company. He also faxed me a letter stating that they will delete within 15 minutes. Needless to say, I am estatic!
You are soooooo lucky, NCO can be real jerks!!!! Congrats on deletion and keep a copy of that letter,you never know what may pop up in 6 months on your CR.....
They did it (partially) The account is gone from EQ. However, the duplicate is still there and says that its under investigation?????
Re: They did it (partially) 611 - that's with the duplicate CA listing, another CA account for an unpaid charge off cc, and another paid medical collection.