medical bills/collections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by madcat, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. madcat

    madcat Active Member

    I had a mole removed in early 2002 by a derma who had my insurance info from the moment I walkied in the door. He sent the mole to a lab that was not on my insurance-approved lab list (Unbeknown to me, and not OKed ny me.) Now, this lab has turned over to a CA a bill for $250.00 that was my insurance deductible.

    I do not feel that I owe this bill--it is the responsibility of the doctor, since he (well--his office staff) knew that my insurance didn't cover this lab and yet they used it anyway.

    What should my next step be? Any suggestions?
  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi MC.

    One of 2 strategies. (in order) If you can't pursuade THE LAB to take pmt. for deletion, (afterall it is a legit bill), then start from the beginnning and run em through the process, via DV to the CA.

    You'll have violations by the time it's over, which you then use as leverage to delete.

    Go check the FCBA, (since they didn't properly bill you).

    That means your argument is with the OC.

  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did the lab ever send you a bill before turning it over to insurance? Or did they just collect "out of plan" payment from insurance and send the balance to collections without further notice to you?
  4. madcat

    madcat Active Member

    I don't remember if they did or not. I do know that I requested validation from the first CA, and nevewr heard a word from them.

    Should I dispute thsi w/ the CA in order to give me time to fight with the doctor?
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    email me.


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