Medical collection

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    OK. Here is the deal. I was disputing the medical collection that only reports to TU. I contacted the original creditor on this account and was told that this account was in my fathers name (I was 18 at the time, however my Dad was responsible for my medical until I was 21 because I was in school)

    They (the doctors office) gave me a letter to send to the collection agency that this was not my account and I am not responsible. However, the collection agency told me that I was 18 and I will have to sue my Dad if I want it off. Can I sue them for not removing a debt that the original creditor tells them I am not responsible for?
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

  3. mel

    mel Well-Known Member

    Did they submit a claim to your father's insurance company? If so, what happened?

    If you are 18 or over at the time of treatment, then you are legally responsible for the bill. I dunno about suing your father, but logically it doesn't make sense. If they listed your account with the CRAs what would a suing your pop do?

    If the bill isn't mega-huge you might want to try to negotiate payment for deletion. If you do not want to do that, validation may buy your some time or solve your problem in its entirety.
  4. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    He had an account with them. I was not responsible and the doctors office agrees. It is the collection agency that will not remove it, even with the doctors office asking them to.
  5. mel

    mel Well-Known Member

    Then do validation. A CA must validate with the original creditor. If the doctor's office agrees that is not yours then they should respond accordingly when the CA attempts to validate the debt. Once the CA is unable to validate the debt you can demand deletion.
  6. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    If you were 18 at the time of service, you would have signed something taking responsibiltiy of the debt, that way they could have charged you for services rendered. You could easily get the account removed by getting a letter from the Docs office and sending a copy to the CRA and the Collection agency. Let them know that you never signed for financial responsibility for any bill of any kind and that they need to remove it immediatley or provide the contract with your signature. If they dont remove it within seven days, tell them that you will have no choice but to subpeona a representative from each company when you sue them....

    Most hospitals and Docs offices will require patients to sign a financial responsibility form before admission or a visit...

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